A useful study! Full of the sorts of important details and caveats that get lost on social media:
- Results only good for 4 specific mask models, •not• all N95, KN95, etc
- Only studied reducing transmission •from• wearer, not •protecting• wearer
- Clear finding: •any• mask is much better than no mask; much-maligned cloth mask performed ~as well as KN95
- Paul reading between the lines a bit: •fit• is everything! Minimizing leakage >>> mask material
@inthehands @COVID19_DISEASE the photo shows a N95 mask with a vent. I believed those were less useful for Covid because they vent infected air unfiltered into passers by?
@Alexbbrown @COVID19_DISEASE
Image credit is “Getty Images,” so I’m guessing the photo has zilch to do with actual masks studied.
…aaand yes, looked up the actual study, and this is the N95 in question: https://acin95.com
Misleading photo. Total journalistic faceplant.