These two plots tell a sad story about where we are in #Eastern #Washington with the #Covid #pandemic. From what limited information is still available nowadays, it seems like the whole country is experiencing yet another wave of #SARSCov2 circulation, but my local region is all I really try to keep up with anymore.
I will try to explain in a why this is all so crazy and awful. Read on if you care about your ability to engage in mental, physical, and even sexual activity.
Updated #SARSCov2 #wastewater plot for #Spokane County, Eastern #Washington State #EasternWashington
Details in the alt-text. There’s really nothing encouraging about this except a slightly clearer trend being linear rather than exponential. Lots of people have this thing in their bodies right now. With #vaccine immunity against infection now basically negligible, lots more sick at work, and almost no masking, the average person is much more prone to get infected from that than ever before.