@ct_bergstrom’s observation about police writing reports with LLMs [shudder] generalizes well:
“Yes, [human processes] aren't always the most accurate, but introducing an additional layer of non-accountability is bad.”
Communication has consequences. Who is responsible for those consequences?
My wise English prof mother always says: “Good writing is good thinking.” When we automate the writing, who is doing the thinking?
Conversely, if some writing process •is• so full of pro forma boilerplate that it can be automated by LLMs — and I have serious doubts about police reports fitting this criterion, but if so — what is wrong with that process? Why are we making people jump through purposeless hoops, add filler material, check non-information-bearing boxes? In communication, automatability correlates with bullshit.
Having a fluff-filled communication process and then using an LLM to make it efficient is like putting the flush handle 3 blocks away from the toilet and then buying a Humvee to go flush it.