First impressions after using #jj full time for two weeks:
1. I regret not making the switch sooner
2. I’m never going back
@ivan It’s still missing some things (eg, an equivalent to `git clean`), but I enjoy using it so much.
@heygarrett yeah I’m really glad that colocated repos are a thing, great escape hatch though I’m still waiting for a few other features myself (like auto colocated workspaces)
@ivan Do you have any tips for getting started, or is it more of a just-try-it-out kind of thing?
@will just try it out. There’s a bunch of different workflows you can use with it, kind of depends on how you like working.
I did just search for “ #jj workflows” and read a handful of blogs (in addition to the official tutorial and Steve Klabnik’s tutorial) just to get some ideas of the kind of stuff that’s possible
If there’s one tip I’d suggest is to use a colocated git repo. That way if you get stuck or there’s no equivalent for what you want you can drop back down to plain old git
@ivan Thanks!!