And we have a lid. Cut with a pull saw. Not stressful one bit, nope.
Final push and hoping to wrap this one up shortly.
It did not turn out perfect but I’m calling it done because I HAVE SEVERAL MORE TO MAKE ahhhhhh!!
Next year I will start this months before #christmas
Stay tuned for a new thread as I start gift No. 2; a curly maple box!
@jamigibbs Looks great. Easier to open now
@jamigibbs that’s a great box and I love how you’ve placed the grain in the lid.
@StephenH I definitely took a little extra time to think about the grain alignment. Thank you, friend!
@jamigibbs it looks fantastic - best of luck on the next boxes. Keep us updated! Do you use a jig for your corners with the pull saw? Looking for more techniques…
@TheWoodWyrm Thank you, friend!
I built a miter shooting board (mostly following these instructions):
I used the pull saw to take out some of the waste in the corners and then the shooting board with a low-angle jack plane to get them to 45.
@jamigibbs That's really cool. I'd love to take a box-making class someday. Add to my bucket-list.
@jamigibbs curly maple is one of my favorites! This box is beautiful. Excited to see the maple one.
@sprsquish Thank you! It will be my first time working with it so I'm excited as well!
@jamigibbs looks awesome! The grain around the corners look so good, great work!
Looking forward to the curly maple, wonder if it will be more challenging to work with.
@shom Thank you! I tried to get the grain to flow around the corners as much as I could. I appreciate you noticing that!
@jamigibbs it's definitely eye catching. Those were some very careful miter cuts, I'm not brave enough yet.
@jamigibbs ohhh this is a beautiful box! I often wish walnut wasn't that expensive here in Europe…
@daniel_bohrer I wish it wasn't so expensive here too. 4/4 is at $12/board-foot at the moment.
@jamigibbs over the pond we usually have prices per m³, so you have to get used to large numbers like 12.000€/m³ for American walnut (which would be about 28 €/board-foot, or about $30/board-foot)
@daniel_bohrer wow that is much more expensive!
@jamigibbs Such a smooth cut! I end up with saw marks galore, assuming I can even cut it straight. Any tricks that helped you make it perfect? (Nowadays I do the thing where I cut almost but not quite through with the table saw.)
@rtwfroody I used my jack plane across it a few times to get it silky and straight.