A crack suddenly appeared at the ground floor neighbour's unit. I decided to stay at my parents house last night just to be safe, but they said that the kitchen cabinets have literally shifted. This is concerning as their unit is right next to a hill slope and it has been raining heavily for days.
My apartment is in the next block but also facing the same slope. Not sure if my place is safe to stay or not . As usual the apartment management is useless and not communicating with us, and it's the holidays so they are not around. Sigh
@liztai Terrifying - did you bring important documents/items with you? D:
@KV1NN4 not yet lol. I'm waiting for management to issue some kind of warning ... it's silent for now.
@liztai yeah. Bettter to stay at your parents until an engineer clears this.
@liztai O_O
Hope you hear something soon from the management. But be safe in the meantime and I hope that nothing happens.
@liztai yikes! Of course during the LNY holiday, too!
@JillsJoy always happens when the management is away