@mitchellh@hachyderm.io Building this from source on a CPU with a lot of cores in it. Thank you for not using autotools.
@mitchellh congrats!!!
@mitchellh I love Ghostty on macOS, but on Linux I'm still searching for a good terminal.
The native terminal is way too slow, and others have all some tradeoffs... Buggy, completely different design compared to the rest, etc
@Beowulf @mitchellh oop...when you say "native", do you mean ptyxis (gnome's default) or konsole (kde) or something else?
and hm, what about kitty?
@fumnanya Konsole and the one from cosmic.
I tried kitty but I don't know what the issue was
@Beowulf @mitchellh hmm well ghostty is on linux, so try it out and see how it's like?
i use kitty on my install and it's pretty okay for me...and i'm downloading ghostty rn (scared as to why nix feels pandoc-cli- is necessary...probs local docs or something)
@mitchellh is it just me or it feels a bit less responsive than Kitty? I thought they’d be roughly the same given that both run on GPU!
@mitchellh that being said it is a solid project, and works really great!
@mitchellh Congrats
@mitchellh I’ve just built v.1.0.0 from source on Linux, and the build process was the easiest I’ve ever used for a project of this size! Zig build system for the win!
@mitchellh Yay! Thanks for the Christmas present.
@mitchellh Congrats! It’s been a pleasure to use for over a year now
@mitchellh Loving it so far. Super fast and lightweight. I've stuck with gnome-terminal for ages because I haven't found a "modern" one that I like... until now.
@mitchellh built this on Arch this morning. Replaced my default terminal. Good work!
@mitchellh Congrats! Daily driver for last month, not looking back
@mitchellh Downloaded for OSX and working great! Feels fast.
The only tweaks I've made at this point is to use my preferred font and theme.
Thank you!!
@mitchellh I thought I caught a bug related bug to option as alt on macOS. Turns out this terminal is just thoroughly configurable!
@mitchellh beautiful website!
@mitchellh congratulations on the release
@mitchellh congratulations!! Just downloaded it on my Mac - been waiting eagerly for the release! It is a wonderful Christmas present to the community
@mitchellh Congrats on the release, it’s crazy good
@mitchellh I love the idea. https://github.com/ghostty-org/ghostty/blob/e2aee7f75b864ec4b9759dbc1231d5464fadbdf5/build.zig#L344 makes me think this compiles on Windows (I run WSL). However, there's no precompiled image as far as I can see. Is this planned? Thanksso much.
@mitchellh iTerm2 has the option to display bold text in white (white, not bright).
I’d love to have that option on Ghostty too, since some color schemes don’t provide bright colors (or rather re-use the non-bright values).
@davidculley I think there's a discussion discussing this elsewhere… try to take a look! IF not open one!
@mitchellh Thanks for the reply! Will do that.