An extra long newsletter today, because things have been about as wacky in crypto as everywhere else. Featured: Coinbase’s Stand With Crypto Alliance fudges the numbers, a (former) industry CEO has a meltdown, and an exchange suffers a nine-figure hack.
Among other things, this issue features some additional detail on my reporting last week on the suspicious numbers coming out of Coinbase’s “Stand With Crypto Alliance”:
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@molly0xfff “the personal fantasies of some of these folks, which seem to follow a similar script in which they each rise up from their keyboards after years of endless tweeting and board meetings, perfectly prepared to step into the role of heroic warrior protagonist in a civil war film”
Ouch. I’m not even the target but I feel roasted.
@molly0xfff Thanks for all your work.
Gotta love people who wish you "happiness" and "the best" whilst insulting you and throwing in some transphobia for good measure.
@funcrunch really charming guy
Makes me so sad I can't see the rest of his 117 tweets per day since I no longer log into Twitter.
@funcrunch you’re really missing out
@molly0xfff That was pretty long, but I read it all and it was great.
Bits of it were really funny :) ...But not the Bitcoin 2024 lineup, that is gross. Is it normal for Snowden to be involved in this? What a despicable bunch of people to be on a platform with.
@molly0xfff Hi Molly, love the crypto goss.
I'm working and living in Cambodia, it's not the Royal Family doing the dodgy crypto here; it's the family (cousin) of the Prime Minister.
Banned this last week from Tether.
@johnweeks thanks, I've corrected it!