"With the ongoing expansion of GPS tagging under the UK Home Office’s electronic monitoring programme, the Home Office has increasingly deployed non-fitted devices (NFDs) that track a person’s GPS location and request frequent biometric verification in the form of fingerprint scans.
The NFDs deployed by the UK Home Office are small handheld devices with a fingerprint scanner that record a person’s location 24/7 (referred to as their trail data). Most recently, migrants are being provided with Android mobile phones equipped with a fingerprint scanner at the back, which are also equipped with 24/7 GPS tracking technology. The devices alert the person at random intervals throughout the day requesting their fingerprint scan, which it then compares against a representation of the biometric information stored on the device. This is in order to verify that the person has the device with them at all times for the purposes of tracking.
Previous research PI did in relation to the NFDs determined that these alerts are sent to the wearer up to 5 times per day. Although as set out below, there are reports that individuals are in fact being sent many more alerts than this in a given day. Those subjected to these devices have cited detrimental impacts to their daily life and mental and physical wellbeing, due to the pervasive and erratic nature of these devices."