Tal dia com avui de 2005 ens arribava "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2" per "GameCube" de #Nintendo . #DragonBallZBudokai2 #DragonBall #Gamecube #Lluita #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Tal dia com avui de 2005 ens arribava "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2" per "GameCube" de #Nintendo . #DragonBallZBudokai2 #DragonBall #Gamecube #Lluita #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
On #CIBSunday here’s “Minority Report: Everybody Runs” for #Nintendo #GameCube. This is a 2002 third-person 3D beat-em-up that ties into the Tom Cruise movie from the same year. The game was developed by Treyarch & published by #Activision.
Weekend time means Seed of Life time!
Currently still working on the dungeon, so let Hope show you around
A spice orange GameCube! This color was also a Japan exclusive, and I think it’s gorgeous. It came with the box and all manuals, but the front gray panel is slightly yellowed by the sun. I have a solution for that tho. And it also came with the manual and matching serial number, which I didn’t know they had! #nintendo #gamecube
RUMOR: FCC filing may point to GameCube controller for Switch 2:
Born to play...on Switch 2
Windows NT on the Nintendo Gamecube & Wii
I had a bad fall from a bike a few days ago and my arm is still really weak, which has affected how much typing I can put into these posts. Still, I am getting better, and so here's two videos of people installing Windows NT 4.0 to Nintendo consoles, using an ISO of the install CD and tools and informati
#niche #gamecube #niche #NT4 #PowerPC #StupidComputerTricks #video #WindowsNT #youtube
Review for Super Monkey Ball on GameCube.
Taken from GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Des tarés ont porté Windows NT (l’original hein, de 1994) sur GameCube, Wii et Wii U !
Ça s’inscrit dans un projet plus large de portage de Windows NT vers les plateformes PowerPC d’IBM.
Crédit photo: u/catgame4116
#GameCube #NintendoGameCube #WindowsNT
Does it look dumb? Yes
Does it work? Yes
Got a flippy drive and designing my own IO plate for the #GameCube for this sd card reader. This is my temporary fix until the plate is done
SUPER MONKEY BALL [ スーパーモンキーボール ]
• GameCube / 2001.
* Launch Advertising
Currently replaying Lost Kingdoms on GameCube.
Too bad no other game like this exists, it was such a cool concept (basically real-time Pokémon but with cards, some of which are direct attacks, others are invocations, or cool attack animations like in FF8).
It's made by FromSoftware and features some dark fantasy universe where a myserious... fog... filled with monsters swallows the different kingdoms :D
new trashiii album is great!!! #dnb #ps2 #gamecube #theStudio
En los últimos tiempos he visto muchas reivindicaciones de Doom 3 como juego de terror. Sinceramente, como juego de terror involuntario me quedo mucho antes con #MetroidPrime 2: Echoes, el tercer #videojuego más aterrador que haya jugando nunca después de Outlast y el remake del primer Resident Evil.
El trabajo de Kenji Yamamoto con la banda sonora es de lo mejor que haya escuchado nunca en un videojuego, y aquí lo peta con la ambientación. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEVQ6JxQFr4
The Wii U gamepad's screen isn't great for HD content, but works great as a retro portable console. At least within the confines of your living room
As the #NintendoSwitch2 approaches... which #Gamecube game should Nintendo be remaking next?
I’ll go first: #FZeroGX
That game is incredible, still holds up today and there aren’t many games like it.
Am I the only person in the world who bought Sony's "Horizontal Stand for Playstation 2?"
They also sold a much more popular Vertical Stand. The system looks so much nicer with that blue front foot when its in horizontal orientation, as mine is (shown).
On #CIBSunday here’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age” for #Nintendo #Gamecube. This is a 2004 Role Playing Game developed by EA Redwood Shores and published by EA Games. The game loosely adapts the events of the 3 Lord of the Rings films.
I ended up getting out the #Nintendo #WiiU because my #GameCube is too deeply shoved in my closet to easily get it out. It’s still nice to be playing this game years later.
#Zelda #TheLegendOfZelda #TheWindWaker
It's my #birthday (tomorrow)! Let's chill with some #Zelda Ocarina of Time on the #Gamecube!