"Unsafe is the stupidest language feature (on a technical level)", Nadri says. It's just an arbitrary constraint to call code with the unsafe keyword, with only the unsafe keyword. Therefore, it's mostly a social that "works super well".
"Unsafe is the stupidest language feature (on a technical level)", Nadri says. It's just an arbitrary constraint to call code with the unsafe keyword, with only the unsafe keyword. Therefore, it's mostly a social that "works super well".
Florian Gilcher @skade giving a thought provoking talk on "Correctness at large, correctness in motion" at Rust In Paris.
I have lost count of the number of people at Embedded World who have asked me ’what is memory safety?'
If anyone is wondering how embedded security is going...
With new regulations like the CRA pushing for safer embedded systems, Rust is gaining traction. Rust offers #MemorySafety and high #performance - learn how to get started, or integrate it with C/C++. Talk to us at Embedded World at booth 4-302! #RustLang #Cpp #Embedded
is #Fortran memory safe?
I don't think I have ever heard of a CVE in Fortran code.
I have a question about #memorysafety in #zig.
What are the risks in this code?
// using Zig's ReleaseSafe mode
const mem = try std.fmt.allocPrint(std.heap.page_allocator, "Hello {s}", .{"World"});
std.debug.print("text is {s}\n", .{mem});
std.debug.print("text is {s}\n", .{mem}); // a programming error occurred here
While #Cplusplus is one of the most popular #programming languages out there, it is shunned by #cybersecurity companies and tech experts because of "serious attacks", and its developer has called for help. https://mindsconnected.tech/index.php?showtopic=1030&view=getnewpost #security #memorysafety #software #coding #vulnerability #tech
Thrilled to announce the kickoff of the #DEFRA_FORCES project!
We're enhancing #cybersecurity in defence robotics by advancing memory-safe robotics with #RustLang. We will develop tools to transpile from C/C++.
Partners: @vub @rma @thales.
Now Simon Moore from the #UniversityOfCambridge (but on sabatical at Victoria University Wellington) is talking about architecture security features with #CHERI
To mitigate #MemorySafety bugs like #HeartBleed
#RemiPommarel found and fixed a bug/regression in a recent change someone had added to @batadv in the #Linux #kernel. One take home message from Remi:
"On a side note, I am all about #hardening and #MemorySafety stuff but if that means impacting readability and spending more time trying to please the tool than thinking about the #correctness of the code change, that's where we end up converting a perfectly fine #code into a logically flawed one."
(hash tags added by me)
“Why Safety Profiles Failed” [2024], Sean Baxter (https://www.circle-lang.org/draft-profiles.html).
On HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41939967
On Lobsters: https://lobste.rs/s/lazatn/why_safety_profiles_failed
Google just took a big step forward in C++ safety. By retrofitting spatial memory safety onto their C++ code, they've improved security across services like Gmail & YouTube with minimal performance impact. David Cassel dives in more in his article.
Rust Your Engines #5
January 14, 2025, 6:00:00 PM CET - GMT+1 - Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, 68159, Mannheim, Deutschlandhttps://rheinneckar.events/events/053a956d-88f3-4b85-85b6-f1c56c989cb9
My #computing is far too important for me to be pacified by mere #MemorySafety. I demand actual #correctness.
Google is redefining memory safety for C++. Their recent move to add spatial memory safety checks in production services like Gmail and YouTube led to a massive drop in bugs and crashes. Read David Cassel's full article now.
Story-time: C++, bounds checking, performance, and compilers
See also: Retrofitting spatial safety to hundreds of millions of lines of C++
This was a wild (& long) read :
“On ‘Safe’ C++”, Isabella Muerte (https://izzys.casa/2024/11/on-safe-cxx/).
On HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42186475
On Lobsters: https://lobste.rs/s/rawcyg/on_safe_c
On /r/cpp: https://old.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/1guzvuu/on_safe_c/