This week’s Unbreakable: A Mental WEALTH Podcast with is a MUST LISTEN for any pro athlete, college athlete, high school athlete out there. I started training #nfl players in #mma in 2007 starting with and have since gone on to coach hundreds upon hundreds of them including my guest this week
Big Whit took that field with a fighter mentality, one of the many reasons he’s a future Hall Of Famer. Now, Whit has taken the baton and he’s coaching players as well at The Village in Westlake Village and taking it to a whole higher level.
Most people sign up to play a sport, if you make it a fight you’d be pleasantly surprised how many will tap out! We have so many good lessons in here for any athlete on how to impose your will, how to break your opponent, how to outwork the world and appreciate the fight on this week’s Unbreakable, click link below.…