Anyone know why #OrganicMaps GitHub repo was archived?
Anyone know why #OrganicMaps GitHub repo was archived?
Denmark, Iowa seems like it could use some mapping!
Population: 425
Building count: 0
Roads to review: 28
Map link:
also ich hatte eine Offline Karte .map (Freizeitkarte BW) runtergeladen.
Das ist an sich ok. Allerdings fehlen Höheninformationen und dadurch die Steigungen. Ich möchte nachvollziehen können, wie steil die Strecke war.
Die .map Datei liegt auf dem Smartphone (GrapheneOS) - Offline.
mit #openstreetmap und Kartendaten usw. habe ich mich bisher nicht vertieft auseinandergesetzt
This video is a really pretty visualization of the A* pathfinding algorithm using #OpenStreetMap road network data for #Chicago and #Rome as examples.
Ich hatte schon ewig ein Konto für #OpenStreetMap, aber hab nie was gemacht, weil ich immer dachte „Ist ja alles schon drin“. Hatte mir jetzt vor einiger Zeit vorgenommen, doch mal damit anzufangen und siehe da, unser Tierarzt war noch gar nicht in der Karte. Jetzt ist er drin
I swear, cities do some of this shit just to mess with mappers.
I made some efforts to fix up issues with #OpenStreetMap in Dundee.
Part of the @osmuk Quarterly Project "OSM Notes"
Aaaand now it's updated. Deleted the node and made the way/area the library.
Also ended up updating some wikidata entries as well:
Marseille: Balade et cartopartie - Parcours de fraîcheur, Le samedi 15 mars 2025 de 09h30 à 16h30. #cartopartie #openstreetmap #osm #urbanisme #écologie #data #opendata #patrimoine #balade #marche #apitux #libreEnFete2025
#NoMePuedoDeCreé que a estas alturas, y precisamente en #OpenStreetMap, o al menos #OrganicMaps pongan "Sangenjo".
AI is changing how OpenStreetMap grows, mapping buildings at scale. But informal transport networks thrive even deeper in the gaps AI already struggles to see.
Xitter @openstreetmap
bsky @heigit[.]org
mstdn @heigit @openstreetmap
As you might know, the area of #BahiaBlanca, #Argentina has suffered dramatic flooding in the past few days, receiving the equivalent of its annual rainfall in just a few hours.
We have started mapping the most critical areas, and we are now publishing projects in #HOT's Tasking Manager, 2025 Argentina Floods campaign, where projects will be posted as needed.
We invite you to participate, it is an intermediate mapping of sometimes dense areas.
Vabljeni na c| srečanje №24: Uporaba odprtih podatkov v javnem prevozu ter trenutno stanje
OpenStreetMap v
Dobimo se v _četrtek_, 3.4., ob 17.00 v @muzej|u
V prvem delu bo predstavljeno, kako se javno dostopne podatke uporablja v javnem prometu.
Sledila bo odprta debata o stanju projekta OpenStreetMap v Sloveniji. več info & pofočkaj se
State Of The Map, la rencontre des contributrices et contributeurs et OpenStreetMap aura lieu à Tours les 13, 14 et 15 juin 2025
Avec un appel à contributions
Clôture de l'appel à contribution : 18 avril
@codeDude I organize monthly #OpenStreetMap mapping parties in #Delhi #India.
We announce on free platforms like #XMPP, Mastodon, Lemmy, mailing lists, and Discourse, but not everyone uses them. So we also have to announce on Telegram, Discord, Reddit, etc.
That said, if we treat both free and proprietary platforms equally (this includes bridging), there's no incentive for people to move away from proprietary platforms, and we're really only helping these platforms cement their dominance.
#Panoramax intégré à GoMap!, l'app mobile iOS pour contribuer à #OpenStreetMap !
La prochaine version permettra d'ajouter une photo pour documenter un objet et insère un tag panoramax=* pour faire le lien OSM -> Panoramax
C'est officiel !
Le State Of The Map aura lieu à #Tours les 13, 14 et 15 juin 2025
>Le #SOTM, c'est 3 jours de conférences et ateliers pour les contributeurs et les utilisateurs d'#OpenStreetMap
Université de Tours - Campus des Deux-Lions/Portalis
Suivez ce compte pour avoir des informations de manière régulière !
Part of the German OSM community is simply broken. We get activity charts like on Github/Gitlab and EVERY other collaboration site. People typically sign up with pseudonym and now they complain about GDPR violations.
50 Dickheads destroy every type of positive feedback.
Du 17 au 21 mars, c'est la semaine numérique des URFSIT !
Pour l'occasion, on vous a préparé une série de formations plus alléchantes les unes que les autres. De mon côté pour @urfistlyon, je propose le 20 mars :
* #OpenStreetMap, 2h
* #Mastodon, 1h
* #Wikipédia, 2h
Inscriptions gratuites :,%22filters%22:%5B%5D,%22aggs%22:%7B%7D,%22sort%22:%7B%22_score%22:%22desc%22%7D,%22size%22:20,%22page%22:1%7D
Has any OpenStreetMapper ever made a tool which looks at changeset history and estimates how much time has been spent mapping? I think it'd be really cool to see.
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #TimeTracking #Volunteering #OpenMapping