Finally some gorgeous warm weather in #Philly!
Finally some gorgeous warm weather in #Philly!
I think Steve Lopez was being critical of #Philly when he wrote it, but yeah, all I want is to do an honest day's work for an honest week's pay.
And the more I see oligarchs doing a dishonest minute's work for an honest year or two's pay I don't think I'm so wrong at all.
Said goodbye to the Center City Macy's in the Wannamaker Building before it closed. The world's first department store is now filled w fixtures for sale and rando leftovers. Decades of memories for me alone. Luckily two escalators were still running. We bought a lovely old walnut office chair that could be 100 yrs old. Rubbed the Eagle's claw one last time. Whatever it will be it won’t be the same.
Anyone going to the #Philly #Bike Expo? I'm planning on attending today and tomorrow, although I haven't actually left my house yet.
I've found it very helpful in the past. Last time we attended, we discovered helmets with microphones and speakers that network together with Bluetooth, to make it easier to carry on conversations without biking side-by-side. Also fashionable reflective clothing.
The Inquirer has a good writeup with pictures from today's #StandUpForScience rally in #Philly. (Folks who know our family might spot at least one of us in the pictures.) Folks were on all sides of the stage by City Hall, with a total attendance probably around 1000.
Got my hair trimmed today. While discussing how to style it w my stylist the Ramones were evoked, which at the best of Philly 2 years running Heavy Metal Hair Salon, is a good thing.
Something fun this morning — in the spirit of Ayyam-i-Há, the Bahá'í equivalent to Mardi Gras, I sent the #philly themed restaurant in Tokyo a bunch of stuff from Cracked Bell.
This morning, I got a very lovely video from the owner:
Never occurred to me before now that we can promulgate world unity on a much, much more granular level — by simply sharing our love for our CITY, not our nation.
#philly guest feature
ATTN: The MC Lars/Cardboard People/HEINRICH! show, originally scheduled for 3/5, has been canceled.
I'll let you know what the show is rescheduled.
not looking great for #Philadelphia's likelihood of avoiding a #measles outbreak right now folks.
#CDC and #NIH should be out there vaccinating the fuck out of everyone in #Philly right now... but they won't.