@literalgrill Adding #romhacking and #romhacks to the conversation!
@literalgrill Adding #romhacking and #romhacks to the conversation!
¡Al fin, un Mario 64 que sí es jugable! (Es broma, que es broma).
I've been playing #Castlevania (NES) ROM hacks a lot recently, and the one that I have enjoyed most so far is Castlevania: The Holy Relics https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3759/
It has all new levels! The controls are much improved with the ability to make shorter jumps, and the ability to have some directional control while in the air. The relic mechanic (an additional special power used with the Select button) is pretty good and adds quite a bit to the experience.
Today we are playing the fantastic Super Mario Bros. CD demo!
Romhack Thursday: NES Tecmo Super Bowl 2024
There's a whole community out there that exists to update old console sports games with current rosters and stats. This isn't the first time we've linked to one of these hacks, but it's been a while, so why not? This one's a recently-released hack updat
#retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #RosterUpdate #sblueman #techmobowlorg #Tecmo #TecmoBowl #TSBTool
Romhack Thursday: Some Sonic the Hedgehacks
Maybe I don't boost them as often as I should, but I wrote a couple of ebook collections of romhack writeups. (first - second)
While I wrote them at breakneck speed to meet deadlines so the style isn't as settled as I'd like, and in the (gosh) eight years since I wrote the
#niche #retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #amy #kirby #niche #retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #sega #sonic
One thing I love about the Super Mario World rom hacking community is the music. A whole bunch of people finding super deep cuts of amazing overlooked SNES music, remixing tracks, porting tracks from newer systems and games (like ffvii), and making totally new music.
The OST for Grand Poo World 3 is a perfect example.
#smw #supernintendo #superfamicom #romhack #romhacks #romhacking #gpw3 #barb #grandpooworld3
Romhack Thursday: The Ocarina of Time Practice Rom
Every GDQ, I find out about several things that I feel are worth telling all of you about. It happened once again this year, and that's why I'm now pointing you to an invaluable speedrunning resource, the Ocarina of Time Practice Rom.
Of course, I don't
#retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #ocarinaoftime #OoT #PracticeRom #retro #romhack #romhackthursday #tool #zelda
Well, since it’s technically #ScreenshotSaturday and I may be busy tomorrow, here’s a Mario Odyssey style city tile set I ported over to my #Mario ROM hack.
Took a lot of optimising since it was made for a Mario Maker like PC tool first and foremost, but it seems fine now.
Romhack Thursday: Pentris
Didja ever finish a satisfying round of Tetris, and then, basking in the glow of your high score, stop to wonder to yourself: why four?
Why did Alexey Pajitnov, revered creator of the game, decide to use tetrominoes, the possible combinations of four squares attached to each other, as
#retro #romhacks #romhackthursday #bulletproofsoftware #nes #Pentris #retro #romhack #romhackthursday #tetris #texas #Zohassadar
It’s been a while, but I have some updates for my #Mario ROM hack. Hmm, how to reach those high ledges here?
I have finally beaten Pokemon Brown, after starting before the 20th Anniversary release. Thankfully I had barely gotten to the 2nd or 3rd town so it was a very easy refresh haha.
I really appreciate the sprucing up it's received and it was fun. I do honestly have to say the writing is a bit lacking, but maybe it's just not my cup of tea. One of the things I don't like is that the protagonist has their own lines and personality. I get that no one *has* to follow the classic template but I dislike it when I am allowed to name a character but I can't actually control the personality like you can with a silent protagonist.
I'm not sure what I'll be playing next, but I have my eye on Peridot at the moment. Please enjoy my horrendous-stitched-together championship winning team and the wrong screenshot as the game progressed on its own before I could capture the Pokedex number at the end.
#Nintendo | #Gameboy | #Pokemon | #RetroGaming | #ROMHacks | #PokemonBrown | #SuperGameboy
Your level is lacking OwO
#Nintendo | #Gameboy | #Pokemon | #RetroGaming | #ROMHacks | #PokemonBrown | #SuperGameboy
I love my JOE, isn't she just adorable?
#Nintendo | #Gameboy | #Pokemon | #RetroGaming | #ROMHacks | #PokemonBrown | #SuperGameboy
Oh! Hey it's... oh well, burgers are nice too.
I started Pokemon Brown in 2015 and then just... never even got to the first gym. Which means I get to experience all the cool stuff added in the 2024 release!
It's really nice being able to take the Super Gameboy on the go with the Analogue Pocket.
Not me trying to play multiple Pokemon ROM hacks at the same time :)
#Nintendo | #Gameboy | #Pokemon | #RetroGaming | #ROMHacks | #PokemonBrown | #SuperGameboy
Been playing an extremely satisfying ROMhack some chinese place put on actual GBA cartridges, called "Quetzal" by a person called "TenmaRH", it's basically Emerald but with the Pokémon from 9 diff generations, and their shadow, shiny, mega, dyma, etc versions, and a lot of customizations and quality of life improvements. Can really recommend it for people with nostalgia for Emerald
Well, just a few fan game/ROM hack pics for #ScreenshotSaturday. Like a candy themed level, and Tap Tap the Red Nose from Yoshi’s Island…
Well, for this #ScreenshotSaturday, here’s an insane boss my friend//associate anonimzwx created for my Super Mario World ROM hack.
Yes they made a patch that lets you use Metal Slug level animations in your SNES game lol.
romhacking.net is closing. Thank you guys for all these years!