[blog] Picking a web framework
Wrote up some thoughts/learnings on looking into what web framework to use for a work project #python #ruby #svelte #htmx
[blog] Picking a web framework
Wrote up some thoughts/learnings on looking into what web framework to use for a work project #python #ruby #svelte #htmx
Contributed a #ruby #Ractor variant to the programming languages benchmark game: https://salsa.debian.org/benchmarksgame-team/benchmarksgame/-/issues/559
(was an example where Ruby was slower than Python, so got interested :))
Might not be published anytime soon (as the benchark game isn't updated as often anymore, and was only recently updated), and it will also not be the fastest version, but was fun to experiment with Ractors in ruby, a way to have true parallelism is ruby.
(btw the reason ruby is slow in this test is that instantiating an object for a single character is much overhead that can't be reasoned away by the JIT-compiler I guess...
Are you a Nonbinary or Women Rubyist attending @tropicalonrails ? Come join some WNB.rb members for an after conference dinner!
Venue: Baccio del Nonno
Address: R. Júlio Diniz, 158 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP, 04547-090, Brazil
Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PxJdizE5opiyYRQW7?g_st=ic
Dinner will start around 7:30pm (April 3rd) All attendees will need to adhere to WNB.rb’s Code of Conduct: https://tinyurl.com/wnb-rb-coc
RSVP: https://forms.gle/TRwP3niFfRKofgQz6
分散処理の神Rubyライブラリ Rindaを紹介する - Chienomi
Rindaを用いた分散計算設計 - Chienomi
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here: https://balticruby.org/lineup
After writing last week about creating value objects in #Ruby with Data class, here are some real examples of some cases where I use it and one example from TheOdinProject.
There are other cases and probably better ways to use it but I just wanted to provide some real examples:
Need to Upgrade #Ruby?
Here is a Free Step by Step Guide by #FastRuby — The team behind Bonsai and the `next_rails` gem shares their best practices for upgrading to any Ruby version
[from my GitHub sponsor]
In IRB there’s a `copy` command that will copy to your clipboard.
Added Ruby 3.1.7 and 3.2.8 to the ruby-versions database for ruby-install users. These versions fix a CVE in the bundled REXML and RSS gems. Note: the 3.1 series has now reached EoL.
$ ruby-install -U ruby-3.1.7
$ ruby-install -U ruby-3.2.8
#ruby #ruby_install #rubyinstall
RuboCop 1.75 is out with improved support for #Ruby 3.4! You won't be able to tell it from the outside, but this release required a ton of work to get to the point where Ruby 3.4 functionality was exposed via Prism's Parser translation layer. More details https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/releases/tag/v1.75.0 Enjoy!
The next meetup is scheduled for the 15th April 2025.
Come and chat #Ruby! Everyone welcome.
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here: https://balticruby.org/lineup
Ruby, Ractors, and lock-free data structures
Link: https://iliabylich.github.io/ruby-ractors-and-lock-free-data-structures/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43451285
Every Rails app has a breaking point. Do you know yours? Learn how to load test your Rails application with Apache JMeter.
You know what's cool?
@russolsen just announced that he and @baweaver will do a second edition of Eloquent Ruby at @pragprog.
It's nice to see that the @ruby community gained so much traction again recently.
This afternoon's #eventsourcing and #ruby hacking: improving the DX for scheduling new commands as a reaction to past events.
This was a very productive day. I like!