Prophesy Happening
By Duane 'Chili' Yazzie, #Dine', #Shiprock, #NavajoNation
via #CensoredNews, January 6, 2025
"The prophecies that foretold the shifting of the world to a new reality are happening; it will be humankind self-destructing or life rebirth to rebalance and return to the original design.
"A life of balance and keeping of the original design is lived by peoples who maintain the Original Instructions destined by the Great Creator. The Indigenous of the western hemisphere lived this idyllic life before the imperialist intrusion. A requisite of the Original Instructions for a lifeway of balance is to
understand that all of creation are intrinsically related and to regard all as relatives. The other requisite is compassion, we were to be kind, take care of each other and the earth.
"The Hopi prophesy story say that mankind would be on separate life journeys. One, the path predicated on the Original Instructions; the path originally intended for a perpetual earth life. The
other, the path of departure precipitated by ego, greed for materiality and power. The prophecies tell about when humanity will choose to continue on the path of departure from the Original Instructions or realize it is on the wrong path and realign.
"The Mayan calendar tells about the epictical phases in the human journey, inclusive with time endings and beginnings, the shifting of realities. The life phase we now live is shifting, we will transition into a virtuous new beginning, or it will be the beginning of the end time. Human conduct determines the
next phase.
"The fate of the world appears to have been decided with the trajectory of the human life path, with the divisiveness and naked hatred swirling throughout the world. This condition exacerbated by the
vicious actions of dominating players to the extreme of, the culture of hate, #selfishness and decadence of the elite becoming acceptable norms.
"The #WealthyElite control the systems of society and government including the apparatus of justice, manipulating the systems to assure 'justice', more wealth and power for the elite. The self-righteous, self-serving dominating elite have chosen the path with the dark ending, the disappearing The departure from the Original Instructions is apexed by the fallacy of attempting to separate the physical and spiritual paradigms. The great fallacy was an attempt to justify imperialist #genocide, #oppression, theft, #exploitation, and #colonization; perhaps, the naïve belief was, by dichotomizing the
physical and spiritual, the purveyors of imperialism would somehow not be spiritually liable.
"Through the political storms, the enemy of the earth has been greatly empowered, this vengeful monster with seemingly infinite worldly powers looms over our earth with intent to feed its insatiable
hunger for more wealth and power. The world’s true #Indigenous, peoples of good heart and earth advocates who want a continued earth life confront these overpowering unrelenting forces. Our lands are under imminent renewed assault.
"The monster is rooted to #WhiteSupremacy, the white supremacy that tormented #IndigenousPeoples
of the world for centuries. It is driven by the false conviction that it is ordained to have dominion over the earth. It has no principled conscious, in its arrogant ignorance it has not a clue, that it only
accelerates the demise of the life of the planet.
"We, #WaterProtectors and #EarthDefenders stand strong, we will defend the #EarthMother. We have no option but to protect the future of the grandchildren. We choose for the life of our Earth Mother.
"The monster may devour us, all we can say to it is Bring It On!
"We remain."
#HopiProphecy #Colonialism #Capitalism #Koyaaniqatsi #LifeOutOfBalance #ProphecyRock #TwoPaths #PurificationDay