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Prophesy Happening

By Duane 'Chili' Yazzie, #Dine', #Shiprock, #NavajoNation
via #CensoredNews, January 6, 2025

"The prophecies that foretold the shifting of the world to a new reality are happening; it will be humankind self-destructing or life rebirth to rebalance and return to the original design.

"A life of balance and keeping of the original design is lived by peoples who maintain the Original Instructions destined by the Great Creator. The Indigenous of the western hemisphere lived this idyllic life before the imperialist intrusion. A requisite of the Original Instructions for a lifeway of balance is to
understand that all of creation are intrinsically related and to regard all as relatives. The other requisite is compassion, we were to be kind, take care of each other and the earth.

"The Hopi prophesy story say that mankind would be on separate life journeys. One, the path predicated on the Original Instructions; the path originally intended for a perpetual earth life. The
other, the path of departure precipitated by ego, greed for materiality and power. The prophecies tell about when humanity will choose to continue on the path of departure from the Original Instructions or realize it is on the wrong path and realign.

"The Mayan calendar tells about the epictical phases in the human journey, inclusive with time endings and beginnings, the shifting of realities. The life phase we now live is shifting, we will transition into a virtuous new beginning, or it will be the beginning of the end time. Human conduct determines the
next phase.

"The fate of the world appears to have been decided with the trajectory of the human life path, with the divisiveness and naked hatred swirling throughout the world. This condition exacerbated by the
vicious actions of dominating players to the extreme of, the culture of hate, #selfishness and decadence of the elite becoming acceptable norms.

"The #WealthyElite control the systems of society and government including the apparatus of justice, manipulating the systems to assure 'justice', more wealth and power for the elite. The self-righteous, self-serving dominating elite have chosen the path with the dark ending, the disappearing The departure from the Original Instructions is apexed by the fallacy of attempting to separate the physical and spiritual paradigms. The great fallacy was an attempt to justify imperialist #genocide, #oppression, theft, #exploitation, and #colonization; perhaps, the naïve belief was, by dichotomizing the
physical and spiritual, the purveyors of imperialism would somehow not be spiritually liable.

"Through the political storms, the enemy of the earth has been greatly empowered, this vengeful monster with seemingly infinite worldly powers looms over our earth with intent to feed its insatiable
hunger for more wealth and power. The world’s true #Indigenous, peoples of good heart and earth advocates who want a continued earth life confront these overpowering unrelenting forces. Our lands are under imminent renewed assault.

"The monster is rooted to #WhiteSupremacy, the white supremacy that tormented #IndigenousPeoples
of the world for centuries. It is driven by the false conviction that it is ordained to have dominion over the earth. It has no principled conscious, in its arrogant ignorance it has not a clue, that it only
accelerates the demise of the life of the planet.

"We, #WaterProtectors and #EarthDefenders stand strong, we will defend the #EarthMother. We have no option but to protect the future of the grandchildren. We choose for the life of our Earth Mother.

"The monster may devour us, all we can say to it is Bring It On!

"We remain."

- #ChiliYazzie

#HopiProphecy #Colonialism #Capitalism #Koyaaniqatsi #LifeOutOfBalance #ProphecyRock #TwoPaths #PurificationDay

bsnorrell.blogspot.comProphesy Happening, by Chili YazzieCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.
Continued thread

From 2014: #Diné #FoodSovereignty : A Report on the #NavajoNation Food System and the Case to Rebuild
a Self Sufficient Food System for the Diné People

by the Diné Policy Institute, April 2014

#GMO / #GE on the Navajo Nation

"GMO/GE seeds are currently being used on the Navajo Nation by the #NavajoAgricultureProductsIndustry (#NAPI), located near the chapters of #Hogback, #UpperFruitland, and #Shiprock including #GMOCorn purchased from #Monsanto. As the region remains a major agricultural hub for many Diné farmers, the risk of #GMOContamination of Diné crops, particularly corn, is high. Furthermore, NAPI’s production of #alfalfa also utilizes GMO seed, which many Diné livestock owners purchase under the '#NavajoPride' brand, so GMO/GE feed is entering the Navajo Nation food system through NAPI products.

"In terms of Diné cultural perspectives, Diné knowledge holders, elders, and farmers have criticized the practice of GMO/GE by #biotech industries throughout Diné Policy Institute’s research and Food Sovereignty Initiative, stating that these practices are in direct violation of our teachings; of the Diné Fundamental Laws and our relationship and duty with plants and animals, particularly with our relationship with corn, our most sacred plant, and have stated that GMO/GE threatens the Diné way of life. As GMOs/GE pose such a large threat to Diné famers, Diné seeds, and Diné lifeways, and go against our most basic teachings, it is vital that the Navajo Nation and Diné people address both the presence of GMO/GE food and seeds on the Navajo Nation as well the potential future risks of GMO/GE to Diné Agriculture.

Ban on GMO/GE Seeds and #Pesticides on the Navajo Nation

The technologies and legalities of #GeneticModification and #GeneticEngineering are in direct contradiction to Diné Food Sovereignty. The #corporate ownership and control of seeds threaten the future of Diné agriculture; Diné people must control their seeds and agricultural practices in order to rebuild a self-sufficient food system that provides healthy foods for Diné people and also ensures the continuation of Diné agriculture and lifeways. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that Diné people, Farm Boards and Committees, Chapters, and the Navajo Nation move to ban GMO/GE seeds on the Navajo Nation. As GMO/GE seeds are already being used on the Navajo Nation by the Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (NAPI), this will require NAPI to change agricultural practices and policies, and end the purchase and production of GMO/GE crops. Recent State legislations have outlawed the banning of GMO/GE seeds in many counties; counties and states in the United States where people have the authority to ban GMO/GE seeds are becoming increasing rare. Therefore, the Navajo Nation and the Diné people have a unique opportunity to enact what many cannot through an assertion of Diné Sovereignty.

Native Seed Protections

"In addition to banning GMO/GE seeds, the Navajo Nation and Diné people should also consider enacting legal protections for our Diné seeds, to hold biotech corporations accountable for contamination of Diné seeds if this does occur. This is particularly urgent as legislation and court decisions at the state and federal level are making it increasingly difficult to hold biotech companies responsible for the contamination of heritage, heirloom, and non-GMO/GE seeds. One example of this is the '#MonsantoProtectionAct,' a piece of federal legislation.

#SeedBanks and #SeedLibraries

"Diné people can begin to protect Diné seeds and provide access to heritage, non GMO/GE seeds through the creation of community Seed Banks and Seed Libraries. Seed banks store seeds, while seed libraries allow people to take seeds to grow, provided that they give some seeds back from what they grow after harvest. Diné seed banks and libraries would also provide access to seeds for growers, addressing a concern of famers in the Community Food Assessment – that they didn’t have access to Native seeds. Seed Banks can include state of the art technology, such as that used by #NativeSeedSearch in Tucson, AZ. However, this is not necessary; Diné and other Native people historically stored seeds in clay jars, recent excavations of such seed preservation methods in the Midwest have produced seeds that were able to grow after 800 years. The seed bank in Tesuque Pueblo in New Mexico stores seeds in jars in a dark and cool in-ground cellar.


"GMO/GE ingredients are in the majority of foods that Diné people are eating and GMO/GE seeds are on the Navajo Nation, however, most Diné people are unaware of the existence of these practices. Therefore public education and outreach on genetic modification and genetic engineering for both Diné people and Navajo Nation leadership is needed."

pages 78-79


#CorporateColonialism #GMOs #BigAg
#EndCapitalism #Colonialism #FoodSecurity #Decolonize #TraditionalFoods
#Capitalism #CulturalGenocide

Shiprock, from my 1500 mile storm chasing trip out there this fall. Lightning was striking all over the place, but always too far west or north or south or way out east or on the wrong side or I was in the rain or or or... But I got this one!

At first I thought "eh, both the rock and bolt are so tiny and far away and hazy that it won't amount to much," but it was sharp enough that I could crop in, up-res it, dehaze it, sharpen up the bolt and end up with a pretty spectacular shot. It's going in my print sales lineup (if I can ever resolve all the vexing website setbacks), so hit me up if you want to be notified when it's available.

From 2022: #Redistricting In #NewMexico Has Systematically Diluted The Voice Of #NativeAmerican #Voters

#FarmingtonNewMexico has a well-documented history of #discrimination and violence against Native residents, and #VoteSuppression is part of the continued struggle.

by Aidan Graybill
Mar 24, 2022

"In 1974 three #Navajo men — Herman #DodgeBenally, #JohnEarlHarvey, and #DavidIgnacio — were brutally murdered on the outskirts of Farmington, New Mexico by three white teenagers.

"In response to the murders, many advocacy organizations — including the University of New Mexico #KivaClub, the American Indian Movement (#AIM), and the #NAACP — mobilized in Farmington. The high schoolers responsible for the murders were sentenced to a few years at the state reformatory after closed-door proceedings. Many in the Farmington community felt this punishment wasn’t sufficient and multiple marches and protests ensued.

"Following a march in May 1974, a list of demands was presented to the Farmington mayor which addressed, “basic community problems affecting Indians, and calls for increased responsiveness by elected officials to these needs.

"While the clash between Navajos and whites in the community continued to rage, the city administration held open sessions and discussions for everyone in the community — Navajos shared their sweeping and ubiquitous experiences of discrimination.

"Whether it was high school students excluded from extracurricular activities, blue-collar workers harassed by their white employers, or individuals who were refused service at restaurants, the common themes of bigotry and racism riddled their everyday lives.


"Thirty years later, the New Mexico State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on #CivilRights issued a follow-up report on civil rights for #NativeAmericans in Farmington. Then-president of #Shiprock Chapter, Duane Yazzie, noted that there was progress and improvement in the general social climate for Navajo people in Farmington:

"'Yes, there continues to be periodic problems but, for the most part, the efforts of the public servants, including law enforcement, the courts, the business community, and the major employers in the regions, there has been considerable advancement.'

"However, the same report also included other testimony explaining that there had actually been little progress since the 1970s, considering the lack of Native American representation in positions of civic leadership:

"'You’ve asked if change — you asked if change has happened since the early 1970s? Consider that question by looking at the numbers. Each community’s pillars are those that are elected as well as those that serve in the government structure.

"'If one looks at those positions in the local government, you will find very few, if any, Native Americans. It doesn’t matter if you look at the county, the city, or even local institutions. You will still find very few Native Americans in high-level, decision-making positions.

"'After 30 years, you would think the local governments would have made great progress in this area.'"

Original web page:

Archived version:

#ChokecherryMassacres #Diné #WhiteRacists
#MMIM #MurderedAndMissingIndigenousMen #NativeVoters #VoterSuppression

THE PUBLIC MAGAZINE · Redistricting In New Mexico Has Systematically Diluted The Voice Of Native VotersBy Aidan Graybill

Going to the #ShiprockFair, #KleeBenally Remembered the #UraniumDump on the Banks of the #SanJuanRiver

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, August 29, 2024

SHIPROCK, #NavajoNation -- "In his book published shortly before his passing, Klee Benally writes of going to the #NorthernNavajoFair and the #UraniumDump in #Shiprock that no one talks about. It is along the San Juan River, the same river that flooded this week, now eight months after Klee's passing.

"'The Northern Navajo Fair at Tsé Bit A'í (#ShiprockNewMexico) has been held for more than one hundred years,' Klee writes in 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred.'

"Klee describes how the fair each fall marks the changing of the seasons and the #harvest. He describes the neon glow of the carnival in the cold, dusty nights, and the #uniper fires that burn.

"All of this revelry is held right on #UraniumBoulevard just a couple miles from a massive 105-acre #Radioactive dump containing 2.5 million tons of #RadioactiveWaste on a site that was a former #UraniumMill (which is just 600 feet from the San Juan River.)'

"The Shiprock Uranium Disposal Cell studies showed that more than 1.8 million liters of #groundwater were contaminated with uranium, #selenium, #radium, #cadmium, #sulfate, and #nitrate.

"Now the #NavajoNation again is targeted by the #Nuclear Industry and #DebHaaland's radioactive agenda is being ignored.

"Speaking in Farmington, Interior Sec. Haaland said the transition to green energy in the #FourCorners region will be led by the #AtomicBomb industry, #LosAlamos National Laboratory, which has already poisoned #Pueblo lands in northern #NewMexico.

"There is no mention of the fact that there is no safe way to store #NuclearWaste.
Now, adding to the layers of deception, the U.S. #EPA is deceiving the public. The EPA doesn't actually clean up the uranium dumps and strewn #RadioactiveTailings from #ColdWar #UraniumMining on the Navajo Nation -- it only announces plans and promises to do it.

"#EricJantz, legal director of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, told the Inter-American Commission on #HumanRights in March that the #EPA has not completed any of the cleanups.

"There are 524 uranium mine sites waiting to be cleaned up on the Navajo Nation. Zero -- none of these -- have been fully cleaned up, Jantz told the international commission.
The truth is people seldom talk about the uranium dump at Shiprock because there is so much strewn radioactive waste, and so many unreclaimed uranium mines, with radioactive waste strewn from Cameron to #MonumentValley, and across the Four Corners region.

"During the 1990s, on assignment for USA Today, I talked with #Dine' in #RedValley and Cove, south of Shiprock, down the mountain from where I lived. In every family, there was cancer. In every family, someone was dying of #cancer, or had already died, from cancer because of the uranium mining.

"One Dine' grandmother in her 80s was living in a stone home built of radioactive rock. We had a Geiger counter with us."

Read more:

bsnorrell.blogspot.com Going to the Shiprock Fair, Klee Benally Remembered the Uranium Dump on the Banks of the San Juan RiverCensored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human rights.