Ist das nur meine eingeschränkte Wahrnehmung oder wird der #SteamSummerSale immer unspektakulärer? Habe dieses Mal nur zwei Titel gekauft. #MassEffectLegendaryEdition und #Valheim, damit ich mit dem Ältesten zusammen spielen kann.
Ist das nur meine eingeschränkte Wahrnehmung oder wird der #SteamSummerSale immer unspektakulärer? Habe dieses Mal nur zwei Titel gekauft. #MassEffectLegendaryEdition und #Valheim, damit ich mit dem Ältesten zusammen spielen kann.
Finally, I made a few small purchases during the Steam Summer Sale
A Short Hike and all the Glass Masquerade episodes and DLC I'd been missing
Nice article for our squad tactics heist RPG!
100+ updates has been a great milestone; it represents not only a ton of fun features from the roadmap, but all the ideas from players we've been able to incorporate into the game.
Only 9 hours left to get Twilight Oracle, my comedy point and click adventure, for 30% off during the #SteamSummerSale!
Get it here
W ostatnich godzinach #SteamSummerSale podrzucę wam rekomendację.
#Loddlenaut to urocza mała gra, w której naszym zadaniem jest sprzątanie dna morskiego i mizianie się ze stworkami.
Gra jest prosta i relaksująca. Bez udziwnień, tak jak lubię. 50 zł w promocji.
If you have anything left in your cart that you wanted to get before the end of the sale, get on that! We’re well into the last 24 hours.
Last hours to get #Pictopix for 30% off on Steam!
Don't miss it:
️ Discover 4 game modes
️ Play hundreds of levels
️ Create and share your own levels
️ And more!
In our final #SteamSummerSale article, we asked the community which games they recommend checking out to expand our #SteamDeck library, and there are some pretty amazing ones here:
Still time left for the #SteamSummerSale !
Eye of D'akess, my 2D RPG is 25% off, and Blue Rose the otome fantasy visual novel is 50% off!
And don't forget to leave a review if you liked them!
Fire up the NanoFabs; CRAFTING HAS ARRIVED for our squad tactics heist RPG!
Find blueprints to craft advanced gear
Combine blueprints to stack effects, create custom weapons & armor
Upgrade your NanoFab to increase your crafting capacity
Thousands of possible combinations
Looking for a picross game on Steam Deck?
Pictopix is 30% off during the Steam Summer Sale!
Don't miss it:
Unlock the secrets of #BakerStreetBreakouts with a 30% DISCOUNT during #SteamSummerSale!
Perfect for fans of #mystery, #escaperooms and #SherlockHolmes. Don't miss out on this detective deal!
I am really shocked that Take 2 is providing some percentages off for KSP2 after the completely closed the studio which develops the game.
I know they properly added the discount before the lay offs but the should have stopped it as soon as this information went public.
Feels like a huge scam. Do not buy the game. They still sell it for a full price while never telling how and if development will continue.
Last two days to get Twilight Oracle, my comedy fantasy point and click adventure, for 30% off during the #SteamSummerSale!
Get it here
A confiança de um desenvolvedor brasileiro cujo jogo possui mais de 3.000 análises marcadas como Extremamente Positivas no #Steam e nota 88 no #Metacritc :
"Se você não for convencido: a Demo do MadJack está lá no Steam e todos os reviews positivos... Você pode piratear ele, jogar ele... Se você gostar e achar que a gente merece seu dinheiro, só prestigiar lá, que vão ser feitos cada vez mais jogos brasileiros".
Acabei de jogar a Demo e é impressionante o quão bem feito este jogo é. Sua estética, referências, piadas e (meta)crítica são incríveis.
Não é um estilo do meu gosto (pois é rápido e frenético demais, com fases curtas). Mas é apenas isso: questão de gosto. Dito isto, recomendo fortemente ao menos a versão de demonstração.
Dá gosto de ver um trabalho tão bom assim. Imaginem se houvesse ainda mais incentivo no Brasil, a grande indústria que não teríamos.
Palmas para Alessandro Martinello que decidiu manter o jogo com uma publisher nacional, mas ligada e próxima à comunidade.
My latest platformer Kid Bubblegum is also off during the #SteamSummerSale, by the way. Check it out, if you're rad enough!
All 3 of my games are on sale! Get them for 75% off ($3.95). That is a savings of $12.02!
That's a Space Roguelite, a Tower Defense & a Puzzler for just $3.95. Woo!
Don't forget to check out our two new #SteamSummerSale recommendation lists for your #SteamDeck:
Under $15 Games:
Hidden Gems:
Looking for some games you'd never think about to get during the #SteamSummerSale? Well we got just the list for you!
Here are our recommendations for hidden gems we found for your #SteamDeck: