Friday, 8p - Tropical EDM/Jungle dance party at Remnant in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA, free, til midnight
#BostonMusic #BostonDancing
#BostonWeekend 10/x

Friday, 8p - Tropical EDM/Jungle dance party at Remnant in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA, free, til midnight
#BostonMusic #BostonDancing
#BostonWeekend 10/x
Sun 1045am-1145am - Cozy Hour at Side Quest Books and Games in #UnionSquare #somervilleMA $7
#BostonWeekend 22/x
Off to the protest, tra-la!
"This is not your U.S.A., this place belong to all! We're here for the Democracy, we're here to stop its fall." (repeat)
#NYC #UnionSquare #Presidents #Day #Protest #NotMyPresident #Musk #Nazi #Constitutional #crisis #democracy #dies in #daylight #union #square #NewYorkCity #fight #fascism #fascists #conservatives #target the #most #vulnerable #among #us for #poltitical #gain #power #womens #trans #rights #are #human rights
Sat 7-1030p - The Flower Court - a political intrigue RPG at Side Quest Books and Games in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA - at least one ticket available, $25
#Bostongames #BostonGeek
#BostonWeekend 23/x
Saturday - last minute notification: If your knees get weak from a keytar, local favorite #synthrock 'ers #Minusworld play in #SomervilleMA - 10$ cover, they're on at 945 at Union Tavern in #unionsquare - with #PolaroidFade and #EightySixSeas
#Boston #BostonMusic #BostonGeek
#BostonWeekend 27/x
Scene: supper
Me [telling a story about a video some folks were making a while back, where I was supposed to play a ridiculous hipster. I couldn’t make the filming b/c something came up, but I found the whole thing entertaining] And then I was going to open up an old timey brief case and pull out an old timey phone with a cable cord and say—
My kid: Wait, so what does this have to do with being a hamster?
Last minute show promotion if you need your spirits lifted (yes, I know that's you):
Norwegian female fronted sugary sweet artpunk pop group
is tonight in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA - If you're not goin tonight you gotta check out their latest album (linked), its been in heavy rotation here.
But the show gives you 2 openers, tickets probably like $30 - go go go!
#Boston #BostonMusic
Saturday @7pm - Indie gaming shop Sidequest in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA is doing a social mingle night to help find your next gaming group, $5 ticket reserves you a spot, but that $ can be credited toward a same day purchase in the shop.
#BostonWeekend 12/x
#Boston #BostonGeek #ttrpg #massachusetts
Sunday @ noon - Japanese New Year celebration at Bow Market in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA
#bostonWeekend 11/x
What were you wearing?
While Everything Else Was Falling Apart
Ada Limón
Great time in #sanfrancisco last week. We always love the holiday sights
#california #calacademyofscience #unionsquare
Summer street pre school - sold out of trees. Pemberton farms on mass ave - all trees are 100$ and up and are 6-7 feet tall. Ricky’s in #unionsquare #SomervilleMA big selection mostly 70$+. #boston #cambridgema
Oh, and I (and my friend who got me the tickets) went to the #UnionSquare Holiday Market afterwards. Had dinner at Pranakhon, good atmosphere, but pricey (as it is in New York City).
(Meant to make the post last Thursday, but I had to work overnight, so please excuse me while I backfill the post...)
Edit: right here, apparently! oh no my wallet
#BostonWeekend 13/x
If any of these apply to you:
1. Appreciate unusual ice cream flavor combos, like Jeppson's #Malort, caramel, and raspberry
2. Like supporting great non profit orgs
3. Enjoy the music of #CarlyRaeJepsen
Check out Saturday's #IceCream drop at Gracie's in #UnionSquare #SomervilleMA . Pints are a $10 donation.
#BostoNWeekend 20/x And if you're doing the Saturday #UnionSquare Holiday Stroll above, stop in Boynton Yards - free Hot Cocoa and Cookies, there's an artisan market
#BostonWeekend 19/x
Saturday noon - 6 #UnionSquare Holiday Stroll - get a stamp card and have a chance to win fabulous prizes visiting various #Somerville stores and restaurants - #ShopLocal #ShopSmall