Latest version of my Whisky clustering using Apache projects talk:
Tickets are still available for CoCEU. #apachecon #communityovercode #apachewayang #ApacheFlink #ApacheSpark #ApacheBeam #ApacheIgnite #ApacheCommons @ApacheGroovy #opensource #machinelearning #groovylang
Some notes on implementing asynchronous Python callbacks in #apacheFlink
#CaseStudy - Discover how #Yelp reworked its data streaming architecture with #ApacheBeam & #ApacheFlink!
The company replaced a fragmented set of data pipelines for streaming transactional data into its analytical systems, like Amazon Redshift and in-house data lake, using Apache data streaming projects to create a unified and flexible solution.
Dive into the details:
Do you know SQL? Exactly!
Most databases and data processing tools support SQL for exactly that reason. And we see a strong movement for all of them to get closer to the standard, day by day.
In this weeks episode of the Cloud Commute podcast, our host @noctarius2k talks with @gunnarmorling from #Decodable about the benefits of #SQL, how #CDC (change data capture) works and why Decodable uses #ApacheFlink as the underlying technology for its #StreamProcessing offering.
Just another day on the #ApacheFlink user mailing list
For better or worse, understanding JARs is an unavoidable first step to using Flink if you're running it yourself.
That's why I wrote about it a lot
Blogged: Flink SQL—Misconfiguration, Misunderstanding, and Mishaps
Pull up a comfy chair, grab a mug of tea, and settle in to read about my adventures troubleshooting some gnarly #ApacheFlink problems ranging from the simple to the ridiculous…
Topics include:
What's Running Where? (Fun with Java Versions)
What's Running Where? (Fun with JAR dependencies)
What's Running Where? (Not So Much Fun with Hive MetaStore)
If you enjoyed my recent #ApacheFlink blogs on catalogs ( & and JARs ( you're going to *love* the new post later this week that goes deep into the weeds of troubleshooting some real-world gnarly problems…