boston, massachusetts
may 1970
young people, public garden
exhibition print
part of an archival project, featuring the photographs of nick dewolf
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
boston, massachusetts
may 1970
young people, public garden
exhibition print
part of an archival project, featuring the photographs of nick dewolf
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
Photo of me dancing at the Boyce Farmers Market in Fredericton, NB. I think this was around 2004. At this point, I’d been dancing for about five hours straight. I made the dance costume myself. #BellyDancer #BellyDance #Busking #Dancer @IndigenousCreatives
Dance photos of me by Alex Wilson from 2006-2007. Aside from the red pants, these are all costumes I made. #Dance #Dancer #DancePhotography #Model #Modeling #Costumer #Costuming #BellyDance #BellyDancer #Fashion #FashionDesign @IndigenousCreatives
Me in performance in 2003. I remember that night. It was an outdoor show. When silvery moths danced with me under the stage lights, it was magical. #BellyDancer #Dance #Performance #shimmy
At the turn of the 21st century, foreign-born dancers weren’t allowed to perform belly dancing in Cairo, because it would smear the heritage and culture related to the art form. The ban was lifted in 2004.
10 facts for World Belly Dance Day:
This is a performance shot of me from 2013. Al Green Theatre, Toronto. #BellyDancer #Dancer
I'm Lindsay, pronouns she/her. I'm an #IT #helpdesk tech at my day job and #bellydancer in my free time. I enjoy #videogames #movies and #music. Working my way towards a #cybersecurity job. I have two #cats.