#Fedi, looking for people with experience in #accessible software.
I have a friend with serious vision issues. Not blind, but can't easily read text that isn't 6+ inches high, and his vision is degrading. He is looking for a way to deal with email -- he's a writer -- because he says Gmail is now a nightmare to use even with a screen reader.
Preferred solution would be a mail program / #MUA that runs on Windows and supports #OAUTH authentication, so he can continue to use his Gmail address.
What's the MUA with the best #accessibility on Windows? Thunderbird brags about its support for screen readers and assistive technologies, so I had him try it, and he says it's almost as bad as Gmail - flashing colours, animating controls. I haven't personally touched Thunderbird in many years, so it was a surprise to me.
I use a text/console mail flow that relies on a local MTA, so nothing I use is of any use in this.
Thanks, appreciate any pointers.