May I present... my latest culinary confabulation: Venn Diagram Toast!
May I present... my latest culinary confabulation: Venn Diagram Toast!
#HobbyStreak days 1094
Gave this wartrike an oil wash with linseed oil instead of white spirits.
The room now smells slightly nutty and I can lick my fingers clean provided there's no oil paint on them lol, but I'm curious how long this'll take to cure!
#WAAAGH #orkz #ork #OrkzIsDaBest #ErikDoesA40k #KlanBlooToof #Warhammer #Warhammer40k #WH40k #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #gorkamorka #Warmongers @warhammercommunity
If you've got a piezoelectric lighter, the clicky thing that fires up gas stoves, blowtorches and lighters, please try clicking it next to a set of electronic kitchen scales or similar, see if you can get it to turn on without pressing the button.
Had another look - and decided to press the button (on a unimportant document).
I got a message asking me to sign in to start using the AI Assistant. So it's not on by default.
I then - #ForScience - created an account & clicked the AI Assistant button again
I got the same message (see image)
Clicking "User Guidelines" it takes you to - -which is all about the stuff *YOU* shouldn't do (not what Adobe does/doesn't do with your data!)
Sometimes you just have to do it #forscience and install @linuxmint 22 beta in order to see what happens. #linux #linuxmint #linuxmint22 #Mint4life #kernelsanders #FOSS #opensource
Bessere Idee....
Einfangen, einfrieren und an den #Mueckenatlas vom Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung schicken #ForScience !
Kleiner Reminder: Die neue Folge kommt "erst" morgen raus!
Noch ein Reminder: wir sind auf Tour! Nach Wien geht es direkt auch weiter nach Paderborn. Da könnt ihr z. B. unsere Pyramide anfassen! Zumindest bei der 2.0:
26.05.24 – Paderborn (2.0)
02.06.24 – Dortmund (2.0)
29.06.24 – Berlin (10 Jahre)
30.06.24 – Hamburg (AUSVERKAUFT!) (10 Jahre)
15.09.24 – Stuttgart (10 Jahre)
17.11.24 – Monheim (2.0)
Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr vorbeischaut! #forscience
Since dating app companies are so secretive, a number of academic research groups have begun building their own #datingapps – ones that will double as matchmaker and research tool. #ForScience! Their slogan “We don’t know who you’re compatible with.” #Love
Liebe Alle!
Schrödingers Katze ist aus dem Sack:
Wir freuen uns, den Heinz Oberhummer Award 2024, den Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation, zu erhalten und uns so bei anderen Gewinner*innen wie @maithink, der Sendung mit der Maus, dem Coronavirus-Update vom @NDR, dem IG Nobelpreis und vielen anderen einzureihen! Danke an die Science Busters für diese Ehrung!
Wir haben auch ein Video dazu aufgenommen, das könnt ihr euch hier ansehen
Yes, I am very busy. #ForScience #science #booze #maker
@WearsHats i filled it out- it was pretty easy and #forscience!
#GlutenFreeBaking #KitchenExperiment follow-up:
This was a teff & sorghum starter and it's been happy. I followed a recipe from using a mix of flours but had to sub cornstarch and whey for xanthan gum. I used brown rice as the base.
The rise was a tough nut to crack. It crusted well, but sadly did not cook well inside. It smells oddly sweet.
Thoughts in the comments.
I'll try again #ForScience
Sometimes I see in a dating profile something like:
"No scammers!"
I'm wondering what practical effect this has. I know for a fact that scammers *do not read profiles.* So this won't stop the run-of-the-mill scammer.
However, for SCIENCE, let's pretend that a scammer has read the profile. The chat might go like this:
Prey: "Hey!"
Scammer: "Hi. I live on an army base. What do you do?"
P: "I'm a librarian."
S: "I have a son, but I cannot leave the base. Can you send me XBox gift cards so that I can buy him a game. I'm broken this month."
P: "You sound like a scammer."
S: "I've read your profile and you say no scammers. If I were a scammer, I would have passed on you."
P: "Oh, in that case..."
Oooo controversial opinion
What's your opinion on "cum" vs. "come"?
Top-3 pisimmät lehtien nimet (jotka digitoituna/saatu digitoituna:
Wiita-sanomat : Viitasaarella, Pihtiputaalla, Kinnulassa, Keiteleellä, Kannonkoskella, Konginkankaalla ja Vesannolla ilmestyvä ilmaisjakelulehti , 144 merkkiä :) #forScience
Pudasjärvellä on myös asennetta :)
#hobbystreak day 784
Today I had forgotten the shock sufficiently to continue testing my gift static grass applicator #ForScience.
So here are 4 test patches and 4 #CountBinface models (2 with, 2 without applicator)
+, W: weighted wire, negative
+: negative pole,
/ : no pole.
C: My time honoured sieve method as control
I dont see difference but might have to wear rubber glove for the models. The grass happily stuck to my hand and got EVERYWHERE.
#Hobbystreak day 783
#ForScience I decided to give a static grass applicator, which I was gifted by Secret Santa, a test run.
#Warmongers be warned, the results were shocking!
My wife said 'I'll be expecting loud swearing soon'.
Alt text holds opinions.
I found the charging wire was too light and didn't contact the mesh sufficiently. I weighted it and then tested it. Then I zapped myself HARD.
Reader, loud swearing ensued.
Put it away for the day.
For anyone still on twitter here's some real #ForScience on collarbones #BTS #AThread