#Kampf auf den #Barrikarden in #Berlin - im Jahr 1848 bricht in ganz #Europa eine #Revolution aus. Sie scheitert - erfolgreich ist sie dennoch. Den Widerspruch lösen wir in dieser Episode auf.
#Kampf auf den #Barrikarden in #Berlin - im Jahr 1848 bricht in ganz #Europa eine #Revolution aus. Sie scheitert - erfolgreich ist sie dennoch. Den Widerspruch lösen wir in dieser Episode auf.
The rise of AI research in a graph — see how its ArXiv submissions compare to other fields over the past decade. #AI #ArXiV #ArtificialIntelligence #DL #ML #CV #NLP #XAI #AIResearch #CS #ComputerScience #DataScience #Research #Revolution #AIBoom #AIRevolution
Using Mastodon instead of algorithmically driven, billionaire owned platforms like X and Facebook are acts of 'prefigerative politics'.
Namely, the willful practice we expect in the world we want to see, built within the shell of the here and now.
"In all these cases, the revolutions didn’t so much invent new things from scratch. Rather, they further developed, generalised, and systematised certain things that had already emerged in the earlier form of society. In other words, the figures of the new societies they built were prefigured in those that came before."
#anarchy #anarchism #marx #revolution #mastodon #fediverse
#UnionMan #Unions #Unionize #Work #WorkPlace #NSFIAA #IWA #IAT #IAA #CNT #ZSP #BASF #OLS #CNTAIT#ASIMUR #COBAIT #Anarchism #Syndicalism #AnarchoSyndicalism #DirectAction #WorkersControl #SolidarityForever #GeneralStrike #OneUnion #WorkersSolidarity #AnarchoUnionism #RevolutionaryUnionism #LibertarianSocialism #IndustrialUnionism #WorkplaceOrganizing #WorkersRevolution #ClassStruggle #AntiCapitalism #SelfOrganization #WorkersCouncils #FreeAssociation #MutualAid #WorkersAutonomy #NoMasters145 #FAU #USI #SAC #ESE #FORA #AIT #CGT #IWW36 #Antifa #Revolution #ACAB
East African Marxism-Leninism, Pan Africanism, Imperialism and the Dar es Salaam Debates with Zeyad El Nabolsy
@BLKNewsNow @yemen @blackmastodon
@blackgirlnerds #tiktok #revolution
#marxism #africa
“Born in Flames” (dir Lizzie Borden, 1983)
#feminist #film #1980s #revolution #fantasy #lgbtq #retrofuturism #girlgang #postpunk
NPArevolutionnaires La fibre de la démagogie: Dans son livre, Jordan Bardella écrit qu’il veut réunir « les Français issus de la classe populaire et une partie de la bourgeoisie conservatrice ». En bon politicien d’extrême droite, il manie la démagogie soi-disant populaire… au profit des patrons. Selma Labib, porte-parole du Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste révolutionnaires, l’a bien démasqué : « Ça se […] https://npa-revolutionnaires.org/la-fibre-de-la-demagogie/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
NPA-R #Démagogie #Politique #Anticapitalisme #Révolution #France
Don't worry babe, Luigi is coming #anticapitalist #hero #luigi #unitedhealthcare #ceo #communist #propagandist #uWu #socialist #antifa #revolution #NoWarButClassWar #freeluigi
NPArevolutionnaires Qui veut la paix, prépare la révolution: Comment s’est terminée la guerre franco-allemande de 1870 ? Par le soulèvement révolutionnaire de la Commune de Paris en mars-mai 1871. La Première Guerre mondiale ? Par la révolution russe de 1917 et une vague de révoltes sur la planète. Et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale ? Les Alliés auraient bien eu du mal à… https://npa-revolutionnaires.org/qui-veut-la-paix-prepare-la-revolution/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
NPA-R #Révolution #Histoire #GuerreFrancoAllemande #CommuneDeParis #PremièreGuerreMondiale
glané sur le net
Révolution(s) et contre révolution(s) - Penser le neuf sans oublier l'ancien: « La victoire de Trump aux États-Unis confirme la fin d'une époque et l'avènement d'une nouvelle donne politique. Pas seulement économique, mais aussi dans l'architecture du monde. C'est la fin de la période ouverte par la chute du mur de Berlin (novembre 1989) qui avait vu les États-Unis (…)
-- Le monde aujourd'hui https://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article74067&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Révolution #ContreRévolution #Trump #Politique #Monde
Every soul employed at SpaceX owes humanity this task: Stop working. Just stop. Break the spine now so you have a backbone later.
#SpaceX #revolution
Mark Twain’s Enduring #Revolution. Pitcairn Island and the Contemporary Gig #Politics
The Great Revolution at Pitcairn by #MarkTwain, a short story from 1879, stands as a powerful allegory of the dynamics governing virtually all communities founded on ideological cohesion, their intrinsic fragility, and the forces that can alter their equilibrium.
@skykiss if u are in contact with them: tell them
0. find out if #nuland is involved if yes: that is very bad X-D
1. make a good plan for after the #revolution how #democracy could work #BETTER #FAIRER create #JOBS than the #corruption that it has become in #TheWest
2. communicate this plan and intention to the world
3. remove the #mafia from office
4. be (hopefully) a positive #example for the rest of the world how #government for the people by the people works
@SecurityWriter if u are in contact with them: tell them
0. find out if #nuland is involved if yes: that is very bad X-D
1. make a good plan for after the #revolution how #democracy could work #BETTER #FAIRER create #JOBS than the #corruption that it has become in #TheWest
2. communicate this plan and intention to the world
3. remove the #mafia from office
4. be (hopefully) a positive #example for the rest of the world how #government for the people by the people works
In this month’s edition of SONGS TO LIVE BY at 5AM STORYTALK, I take a fresh look at Marvin Gaye’s “Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)” and wonder what we – especially artists – can take from it 54 years after it was released...
#writingcommunity #resistance #protestart #revolution #music #songwriting
Little Benjamin, Benjamin Lay, as a role model.
#AtunSheiFilms #YouTube #revolution #Ideas #TakeAStand #FindYourFire
Sorry babe, I've been waiting for this moment to long #Marxist #meme #antifa #leftist #anticapitalist #socialist #socialism #communism #classwar #climatechange #Revolution #propaganda #anarchism #anarchy #radical #extremist
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La Manifestation continue a Belgrade devant le Palais Présidentiel