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Observate, adapt, adjust

After several months being in the new place, I kinda have a routine. It's not ideal yet, but it works for now, and I need to find a way to make it work even better. So, I've been observing my current routine, I've been focusing on how things go now, and what I could do to make it better. Or, what I think will be better, as I won't know till I've tried. I want to go back to the schedule that I had in Cuijk, as it seemed to relax me a bit better than my current routine does. Especially when I wake up way before the alarm is set to go off, and I can't sleep anymore... I get to the gym too early, it's still too "crowded" for my linking. The roads are still busier. I get hungry earlier, making it harder to resist snacking during the day. So I needed to write out my current schedule and then see if, and how, I could make adjustments to improve it. I know that this won't be easy, as somewhere this year, I'll also need to have surgery, which means that I have at least 6 messed up weeks where I can't do anything properly at all... […]


I was only able to do half an hour today. I'll have to work up to an hour. However I did nearly 5 and a half miles and I burned 132 calories. I'm less worried about how many calories I'm burning. I'm more concerned with distance and time. Tomorrow I'd like to do 35 minutes. I definitely think this is an exercise I can keep up with.

Картинка дня DevOps-инженера: подъем в 6 утра по тревоге, разборы полетов и раннеры GitLab CI

Эволюционируя из рядового сисадмина в DevOps-а, специалисты начинают заботиться о разработке. В среднем разработчики об инфраструктуре знают не очень много: вполне может добавить скрипт, который обрушит кластер. Поэтому наша задача как девопсов сделать систему максимально отказоустойчивой, автоматизировать рутину, выстроить процессы CI/CD, настроить мониторинг и вообще следовать подходу “Инфраструктура как код”. Но это в теории. На практике это возможно, только если в систему никто не вносит никаких изменений, а так не бывает. Поэтому жизнь DevOps - постоянный “День Радио” в отдельно взятой инфраструктуре. Врезка: “День Радио” — это фильм с сюжетом, что в прямом эфире вот-вот должен стартовать марафон, но за десять минут до начала выясняется, что заранее подготовленная тема перехвачена конкурентами. И начинается суета и множество сюжетных поворотов и проблем 🙂 Я поговорил с Дмитрием, тимлидом DevOps-команды в Git In Sky. Обсудили, как выглядит его типичный рабочий день и какие задачи стоят перед командой в условиях активно растущего рынка SRE-аутсорсинга.


ХабрКартинка дня DevOps-инженера: подъем в 6 утра по тревоге, разборы полетов и раннеры GitLab CIЭволюционируя из рядового сисадмина в DevOps-а, специалисты начинают заботиться о разработке. В среднем разработчики об инфраструктуре знают не очень много: вполне может добавить скрипт, который...

Stressed Out

Yesterday I was a bundle of stressed out, frayed nerves because the morning commute was such a disaster it spoiled my brain for the whole day. Today I am a bundle of stressed out, frayed nerves because of all the meetings I have to go to today. I am flat out all day long. I’m kinda scared for my stomach. It took me a full week to recover from our trip to Florida* and further along than that, yesterday was the first day since that I almost went the whole day without any problems (almost) and now today I am in meetings all day and may not be able to stop for lunch. I am at risk of a bad stomach day.**

*Florida will henceforth be known as MoonPieTown due to this post.

**I am referring to post-gastric bypass side effects and various related issues. Food/diet/digestion-wise I need to be a creature of habit and routine to succeed without weird problems and I am going to get bounced out of my routine today. I’m not happy about it, but what can you do?

Bluesky SocialBluesky
Replied in thread

@ian @DJ5CW Hopefully reasonably low rate production. In a past garage project, made multiple rounds of SMT component updates on circuit boards. Ended up with about 12,000 solder joints made (and only used 2 tips, one started with, and one replacement along the way). Seasoned at soldering under a microscope makes individual joints low stress. #routine

Continued thread

I also find satisfaction in sharing my thoughts with those who take time to read them. Far more than a hobby, it’s become an anchor in my daily life. This practice of sharing creates connections and adds a type of discipline to my day. In these moments of reflection and expression, I’ve discovered a purpose that extends beyond the words themselves. It’s a practice I wholeheartedly recommend.

#Writing (2/2)

AuDHD – Breaking the routine

I've shared plenty of times that my routine is very important to me. During and after the move, I've struggled hard. During Xmas and new year, I struggled. And then, when I hoped that things would get back to normal again, there was another disruption. Big weather warnings ⚠️ due to ice and snow. It meant it could get dangerous to go to the gym, should the snow and icy conditions start earlier than they expected. So I had to change my plans. And even though I knew that it was the wisest thing to do, even though it was just one night, I struggled! And that makes me feel like I'm being silly. It just one night, things should be back to normal the next day... But yeah... It's not that easy! […]


Radio Cat


Just look at that furry little diva being all bad ass.

Today has been better than yesterday on the healthy front, but I’m not up to 100% yet. Let’s call it 80-85% and assume I’ll be through whatever is bothering me by tomorrow.

Today I managed to completely screw up my daily routine but I’m okay with it. We got snow yesterday, so this morning at 5:30am or so instead of going down to the cellar and getting my exercise in for the day I went outside and shoveled. We didn’t get a lot of snow, but we got enough. Within an hour it was all gone. Not long after finishing up outside I went out and ran some errands. Today is a very important day, after all*.

I didn’t get to breakfast until I was starting work at 9:00am. The hunger pains that I wrote about yesterday were definitely a thing and the eating struggles I also mentioned yesterday were also a thing, but not as bad as last night. Since breakfast was so late I didn’t have time to eat a snack mid-way between breakfast and lunch. I ended up going four hours without eating and wouldn’t you know it, when lunch time started approaching those mean old hunger pains were back again. I’m eating lunch now and feeling a little better, though that weird queasiness that has been slowing me down the last couple of days is still there. It is definitely better than it was, but it’s still there. It hasn’t been enough to stop me the way it was yesterday, so that’s a big plus. Maybe I can eat enough lunch so that I won’t be hurting in the lead up to dinner. That would be nice.

*Why is today a very important day. you ask? Because today is my beloved wife Jen’s birthday! It’s not just any old birthday either. It’s a big enough milestone birthday that her present this year was a week at Disney World. Yeah, it’s a big deal. She’s the love of my life and the woman of my dreams and my beautiful bride and it’s her birthday! Wish her a happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Jen,
Happy birthday to you!!!!

Flickr160/365By robj_1971

Sometimes it feels fake…

...if that makes sense... 🤔 I thrive on routine, as many of you following this blog may already know. And I feel like it helps me loads, I know what to expect, I know what I need to do. I know what to prepare for, what will take the most spoons, when I can relax and just be a couch potato... 😇 But there are times that it just feels fake...Like I just do things because it's expected of me to do. You have to do this and that, because that's "part of life". You have to do the daily chores, you have to keep going and do what you "need to do". […]


@actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd

What's your #morningroutine?

Regardless of when I wake up, I stay in bed 'til 7am. I then strain my #kefir. Feed my #sourdoughstarter. Check my other #ferments. Feed the #dog and take him out to pee. Eat oatmeal with chia and flax seeds, banana and fermented apples. Drink a cup of kefir. Do my #duolingo. Hop on the #bike. Shower, get dressed and then out the door to run errands.

Outside of that #routine my day is a #shitshow

One day at a time…

...sometimes feels too long... When things aren't going all that well, when it can be a struggle to make ends meet, to get chores done, to find enough spoons to be somewhat functional... Sometimes even taking things one day at a time can feel like it's taking too long... If that makes any sense... When you are doing something you enjoy, when you are having fun, it sometimes feels like "time flies by". And I guess the opposite can be said, or in this case written, about non-enjoyable time seems to crawl slower than a snale climbing mount Kilimanjaro... ⛰️ And when you try to take things one day at a time, even though "simple" 24 hours can feel like they're lasting way longer than that. […]
