Observate, adapt, adjust
After several months being in the new place, I kinda have a routine. It's not ideal yet, but it works for now, and I need to find a way to make it work even better. So, I've been observing my current routine, I've been focusing on how things go now, and what I could do to make it better. Or, what I think will be better, as I won't know till I've tried. I want to go back to the schedule that I had in Cuijk, as it seemed to relax me a bit better than my current routine does. Especially when I wake up way before the alarm is set to go off, and I can't sleep anymore... I get to the gym too early, it's still too "crowded" for my linking. The roads are still busier. I get hungry earlier, making it harder to resist snacking during the day. So I needed to write out my current schedule and then see if, and how, I could make adjustments to improve it. I know that this won't be easy, as somewhere this year, I'll also need to have surgery, which means that I have at least 6 messed up weeks where I can't do anything properly at all... […]https://cynnisblog.wordpress.com/2025/03/10/observate-adapt-adjust/