Watching The Craft
I wanted to watch THE CRAFT last night to celebrate the anniversary of its release, but it's not on any streaming service — subscription or ad-supported.
You have to pay Apple or Amazon $4 for a VOD rental.
I'm used to this w/ obscure classics, but this is a 1996 film.
#RibbonOfMemes basically said the problem with #TheCraft is weakish directing.
I'd agree with that but personally I think the main problem is down to the story structure is a touch lacking. Sarah's too lost throughout. I'd like the movie to have had her honing her abilities before having to confront Nancy.
The characters are a bit cringe on occasion -- which is accurate for teenagers I guess -- but I wish they were a bit not so cringe.
Also Ribbon of Memes didn't mention the best bit ...
Since this is often a component of "new year" activities, here is a little talk about "manifesting".
A lot of people weigh in on the subject of manifesting without actually knowing what it is or how to do it. (thanks to *that book which, no, I have not read and don't intend to)
People have accused those that practice this with success or encourage the concept of doing it with ableism, classism, etc. Those that say that could not be more wrong. People that have not either attempted or been successful at a manifestation do not understand it. They have not learned nor been taught how to do it.
Manifesting is not hoping, wishing, thinking or even believing for or of a desire. It is the manipulation of resources including energy, people, places, locations, timing, and opportunity to align the processes that create the desired outcome.
The most important thing to understand when manifesting anything is that you are not creating a new thing, only moving things around in the universe. If you desire money, then someone has to give up that same money. Trying to manifest "riches" could result in someone you love dying and leaving you an inheritance. The unintended consequences of reckless manifestation is your peril. You must think through each detail and be very specific how, when, who, what is changed to enact your desire. When you learn to see the world around you, detect every resource and opportunity, use every option, and be able to start a long string of consequences, then you have started down the path of manifesting.
People all over the world use this type of energy manipulation but not everyone wants or desires the same things. A person in one country might want to manifest a house for themselves and their family or maybe a fancy vacation. A person in a different country might want to manifest a large enough meal to feed not only themselves but their neighbours for one night. To say that manifesting cannot work because there are poor people or sick people everywhere in the world is to completely miss the point. You can never know other's deepest desires or needs by looking at the world through the lens of your own life.
To be truly successful at this kind of magical practice you have to know how to do energy work. Using the energies of the Earth to effect change in your immediate environment is the first step. This practice takes months or years to learn to use effectively. Correctly using meditation and stillness, learning to hear the sounds within silence, to feel the vibrations of every object are necessary parts of this kind of magic. Next you have to develop a keen sense of situational awareness, be able to sense the logical path of a motion, detect the probably outcome of an action. You have to be able to read signs, see the value in a resource, be able to put random events into motion. You have to be able to know when to say yes and when to say no. You have to be able to detect danger in one path and success in another.
This kind of intense awareness does not work if drugs or alcohol or present. (you can't meditate after 3 glasses of wine- you'll just fall asleep) Every country, every culture has magic workers. It takes a lot of practice and that comes easier to some than others. But if you want to change your life or have needs that are not being met, you do have the power. You can learn the craft of manifestation. It takes work, dedication and deep self-awareness. What you end up getting might not be exactly what you started out desiring but it might be the best thing for you in the end.
Wishing a happy birthday to cult film and horror icon Rachel True! Here's some art inspired by The Craft and Nowhere to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #RachelTrue #TheCraft #Nowhere #CB4 #HalfBaked #90sMovies #HorrorNoire #HorrorMovies #Movies #Actress #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
I thought I'd try out some homemade paper (link is below). I figured Nancy Downs from "The Craft" would be a good subject to test out this paper. It's also suitably Halloweeny.
Initial impression is that I like the look and feel. The only drawback is it's not great for any sort of rough erasure. But I think I'm going to like it overall.
#NancyDowns #TheCraft #drawing #MastoArt
24x Replay:
YT Short: See less
#Iwatched #TheCraft (1996) and let's be honest: This was #Clueless (1995) with witches and magic. Not a bad thing. The hedonistic materialism of Clueless could do with a darker counterpoint. But The Craft takes its magical shenanigans a lot more serious than its characters, who do whatever increasingly questionable routes the plot takes them. Until the good clean girl is empowered and the broken punk girl safely secured in a psychiatry and everyone's learned their lesson. Bleh.
Classics of Pagan Cinema: The Craft is one of the only movies that shows, not in montage or in dream sequence, not in hints or in glimpses through a not-quite-closed-door, how Witches cast a circle, consecrate their spaces, and bring one another into the space between worlds.
The Craft is on #Criterion this month. Still as good as when I remember it as a teenager. Scratches a certain itch of that inner witchy side still in me.
#TheCraft, 1996, directed by #AndrewFleming and starring #FairuzaBalk, is currently part of the #HighSchoolHorror collection on #TheCriterionChannel.
It was better than I expected, mostly because of #Fairuza's performance and is a rare #movie with four #female leads, who all behave badly (to very different extent, but still).
Not great #cinema, but good fun, for me, even with the bugs.
Wallace Polsom, "Dream House LXXXVI" (2023), paper collage, 21.8 x 25.9 cm | #papercollage #collage #art #artistsonmastodon #contemporaryart #dreamhouse #surrealart #thecraft
Happy Sunday. Here's hoping I don't have to hex anyone today.
#meme #funny #horror #TheCraft #TheKraft #ILoveFairuza @horror #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme
"We are the weirdos, mister" by Talia Outwrong (talzir)
Is skeet ulrich 40 in this movie? Don’t waste your powers on the skeet ulrich’s of the world, girls #thecraft
Reposted @darkirishwitch Holding grudges blocks the good things from coming into your life. They eat away at your soul. #letitgo #wordwitch #cabotwitch #witchesofinstagram #witch #witches #witchythings #witchlife #witchcraft #witchery #malewitch #witchyvibes #paganwitch #castingspells #magick #majick #thecraft #coven #wildwomen #witchstuff #witchythings #manifest #crone #cronewisdom #warriorwoman #wildwoman #tribe #witchsociety #witchywoman
Just watched The Craft: Legacy. Even though I am not a hardcore fan of the original it's still fun. And this sequel succeeds where it is supposed to be fun buuuuut fails at everything else.
#Letterboxd #FilmMastodon #MastodonFilm #TheCraft