@98codes Introverts with ADHD! This is very true. Worse for high functioning austistic introverts.
@98codes by second grade, I was the kid the bullies targeted. That is often a response to ADHD.
@98codes For me it was a lot of humming songs without realizing I was doing it, being unable to sit still for longer than 30 seconds at a time, asking half a million questions, getting bored with the material, etc.
My friend group was almost always the misfits and outcasts, but it was definitely there. I do know, though, that I had more trouble maintaining those than most, as I only have 1 or 2 childhood friends I still interact with.
@98codes as a late diagnosed AuDHD (60 yo, last few months) I only just realised this a few weeks ago, and man does it hurt. A lot.
@98codes This sounds like me. I’m still not diagnosed officially but all this sounds like me my whole life and oh my god now I know that I can do something about it.