The reason I am looking for a name is to see what I can find about how other people work with it
For example, finding paths, like what
@project1enigma was describing
@alter_kaker @UP8 I'm still not sure if you need backtracking/undo.
Or if you just have your graph and some "player"/agent/cursor walking through it while each step can possibly enable/disable some edge or node elsewhere (but no undo)?
@alter_kaker @UP8 The latter case should be easier. Like if it's just enabling/disabling edges/nodes I might just add a bool enabled everywhere and respect it in the code that moves the cursor/agent around.
Right, but I also want my agent to be able to plan, so I need a pathfinding algorithm that takes into account the graph changes
@alter_kaker @UP8 Ah yeah. A general term would be persistent data structure, IIRC.
Another thing would be zippers (in the context of pure functional programming though zippers are usually for local modifications).
@alter_kaker @UP8 Alternatively you do modify things in place but have undo information on your stack.