When you've got a dig a trench for a pipe for your cat six cable because Wi-Fi isn't stable enough for your Deercam infrastructure out in the back
@jimcarroll Unfortunately I have some experience with 24/7 streaming of remote cams….
Was part of your problem also reliable power and your cat-6 with PoE was a twofer solution?
Otherwise I would have thought directional antennas would have been easier and more flexible … unless you have a whole boatload of cameras, in which case I’m looking forward to watching the live feed on youtube … confession: I love the Deer Food Pantry.
@amart 7 cameras .... not live-streamed, but fed into a Mac with Sighthound which does motion sensor and hence records images. I've got a few full-headed bucks, lots of deer, porcupines, possums, skunks, raccoons...
I tried PoE, Wifi, and just wasn't happy, so I'm just wiring stuff up. Nothing better than dedicating 1gb in the backyard.
@jimcarroll Nice setup. The cool thing is you have the infrastructure and expertise to live switch OBS (or similar) to whatever feed that is currently showing action - the youtube nature webcams folks would love that.
Adding a few bird feeders would make the daytime more active plus leave food droppings for critters (squirrels, raccoons, possums, etc.). Likely you don’t want to encourage any of this wildlife to come around, just observing you’re close if you want to nature stream.
Check out https://virtual.jimcarroll.com
I can grab the RTSP video feed from each camera and do a 7 cam layout - have done that a few times for family and friends. I could later motion graphics over it etc
But ...
(I use ecamm.live on a Mac instead of OBS. More sophisticated, but without the Windows barf vibe)