me, rolling glumly about on the sofa: oh gooood I've got so much to do today and I don't wanna do any of it, why am I busy when I am UNEMPLOYED
me: oh wait hang on
me looking at days of the week med case, where Friday is still full of meds: okay never mind I'll be fine in half an hour
me, half an hour later: okay! so first things first let's get the big binder of recipes and see what I'm cooking next week. and then I can pop the coffee on for the light of my life, grab a shower, and head to the post office--
me: yep, #ADHD meds have kicked in
the thing is, before I take my #ADHD meds, I actually do want to get things done. often quite desperately! I just dread the both the tremendous effort it will take to do them and my inevitable failure to do at least half of what I wanted to do. it's like all the doors in my head to the parts of my brain that DO THINGS weigh a ton and pushing them open is exhausting.
and then I take my meds and suddenly all the doors are normal doors again and I know I'll be fine.
@astronomerritt just reading this makes me want meds but everyone says my BP is too high.
@kamikat I'm so, so sorry. It's a serious concern. I'm lucky enough to have low blood pressure, but I have to constantly monitor my resting heart rate.
@astronomerritt very familar feeling
I find this can interact in weird ways with general stress levels and overwhelm, too. Haven't quite got all that figured out yet
@nach Oh god yeah. Ever since I quit my job I've found my executive function has VASTLY improved. I thought I was on a lower dose of ADHD meds than I actually needed, but turns out this dose suffices just fine when I'm not stressed and burned out and overwhelmed all the time.