@collinsworth Oh, nice. @property literally just now got added to Firefox in v128 (alongside "privacy-preserving measurement"), which explains why it doesn't work for me still running v123.
@matuzo @zachleat @collinsworth That is pretty amazing, but it does not seem to work in Firefox for me.
@bastianallgeier @matuzo @zachleat @collinsworth Weird, works here. FF 128.0@Ubuntu
@bastianallgeier @matuzo @zachleat @collinsworth Firefox only recently got support for @ property in version 128.
@bastianallgeier @matuzo @zachleat @collinsworth due to the yet missing support for @ property.
And this solution includes the scroll bars.
@bastianallgeier @matuzo @collinsworth @property shipped in FF 128+
@bastianallgeier @matuzo @zachleat @collinsworth Yeah, I get 0x0 in mobile Firefox at the moment
@collinsworth awesome that this is possible in the newest browsers. I also had to snicker at the “&” in the preview image. We’ve come so far, but some things never change.
@collinsworth Someone said @ property has entered the Baseline??? LET'S GO!
@collinsworth the tan/atan part is to remove the unit?
Yes, until we have better support for unit division and we can do "calc(100vw/1px)" and it should work fine.
@collinsworth WOW! Pretty slick! Doesn’t seem to work in iOS Safari for me tho.
The `tan(atan2(…, 1px))` bit makes my eye twitch over numerical precision questions!