Who are these imaginary people who apparently hate wind turbines? Who are they? Why? I find them quite beautiful and peaceful. A symbol of progress. Who are the people who would prefer to burn the world to a crisp instead of seeing a turny thing?
Edit - someone has pointed out that having no say in having a windfarm built next to your house* without being able to object or being compensated somewhat skews your view on turbines, which whilst quiet are not silent. I accept this is not fun for those people.
*Edit2 - changed from 'on your land'
@TheBreadmonkey On land, they apparently make a disturbing, nauseating noise...and kill birds by the hundreds.
At sea, they kill whale. (Yes, only 1, as per pamphletted evidence). Of course nobody actually saw the dastardly deed but, there it was, floating next to a wind turbine.
Don't get me wrong. If some numpty with pounds for brains wants to desecrate an area of national beauty, he can bugger off. Same with destroying habitats for rare birds/animals, or even housing estates.
@Tooden @TheBreadmonkey The killing birds (& whales, wtf) thing is a false narrative made up by RW asshats. FFS stop repeating it.
@dalias I think you need to brush up on your sarcasm...somewhere else, preferably. @TheBreadmonkey
@Tooden @TheBreadmonkey Sorry I misread that.