this thingy is cool!
borrowing from a friend right now to compare it with my moonlander, but I like how small it is.
I think I prefer it, but will know for sure in a couple weeks
(it's a ZSA voyager)
@ellie Just got mine the other week, loving it sooooo much =D
First ortho-linear keyboard that I have though, so I'm still struggling a bit with hitting the right buttons
@axelrafn yes! they're so good!
It's a bit more staggered than what I am used to. I'm mostly struggling with left shift, but we will get there
@ellie it's a wonderful experience and adventure =D
Also love the layout editor, I'm at three layers right now and might see layer 4 for macros even.
Love how you can move everything around to fit your needs and it stays on the keyboard regardless of what device you hook up to =D