Many software engineers will only take a job if remote work is an option and will likely quit if their employer mandates a return to the office, according to Hired's annual software engineering study.
I'm one of those software engineers. Thankfully, my current job is a fully remote company: there isn't an office to bring is back to.
I've thought a lot lately about whether or not I miss working in the office. There are a few things that I miss about going to work. Not the commute itself, but the time to myself, the time that is just mine. I miss that a bit.
But I don't need an office job for that. I can go for a drive, or a bike ride to get that.
And I absolutely don't miss being in the office to work. I haven't lost out on anything. I still socialize with my coworkers, even if less. I still collaborate on work, via Zoom, and I do that more effectively than I did in the office.
For me, there is nothing better about being in the office.
I grok the sense of "time for me" in a commute. My BiL used to listen to books on tape during his long drive, and when he changed jobs he missed the "reading time."