I rarely tell people to throw their devices into the sea, but you should throw your Amazon Echo into the sea.
@evacide Wouldn't an active volcano be more effective and cause less pollution?
@FourT4 I am probably misunderstanding you deliberately, but are you actually thinking about installing an active volcano in your home? The thread is relatively wide open to this interpretation.
Just to do the right thing I suggest to refrain from this alternative, though it might be preferable to the aforementioned device.
@inj4n you understood me perfectly!
Hello! We here at MissConstrue Evil Incorporated disagree with inj4n, and would like to take this opportunity to offer you a tour of our available volcano installations!
From a small city pied-a-terre with a bubbler to an entire island lair, this volcano dream can be yours! When you think volcanoes in the living room, think MissConstrue Evil Incorporated. Our team is on fire!
@MissConstrue @inj4n this sounds great. Can I start with a lava lamp?
@MissConstrue @inj4n then just a medium domestic heating cinder cone, with hot water geyser. Is there a long wait for installation?
Well, I tell ya, a simple basalt cone, that’s no problem...but adding a water feature, well that means we have to use rhyolite, and that can get pricey, plus the permits to dig the tunnels...it can be done,but it does take a supervillain budget. That’s the good news, the bad news is that the underwear gnomes are on strike, and of course my dwarf teams won’t cross the line, so even though spring is our slowest season for volcano lairs and thus installation is usually fast to schedule, but with the strike....who can forecast what underwear gnomes will do?
@evacide Is it saleable for parts?
@evacide I wish there was a guide to hacking them and replacing the software. I honestly just need a hands-free way to turn on and off lights at this point.
(Also lol my phone’s swipe keyboard tried autocorrecting “software” to “disease”.)
@dave @evacide Not aware of anything for the Echo but there's a nifty hardware project that turns the Google Nest Mini into an ESP32 based voice satellite for Home Assistant.
@evacide I wish I could convince my friends who own one of this.
@evacide Never ever I trusted them
@evacide I just felt right once again for never getting one of those and moved on to the next topic.
@evacide Noooo, we have polluted the sea enough. Let's disassemble and reuse the shit :)
Metaphorically speaking yes, do throw them into the sea.
Dumping all the old echos into the sea would probably cause environmental issues.
What about using the echos as packing material for things being returned to Amazon?
@evacide I could never understand how people could be comfortable with always listening devices like these.
I've considered a few times when I almost was willing to use such a "service" to use one of those "frontends" where you essentially disconnect the mic in such a device and then set up a Raspberry Pi that uses offline voice recognition to first listen for a key phrase and then only send what is said right after -- or to more simply just wire a momentary toggle switch such that the mic isn't physically connected except while the switch is held down. However, long term I've found that we really don't benefit all that much from these devices anyway. It just hasn't even been worth it. The fact is, always listening devices is just asking for trouble even if you trust them.