Alright. Maybe don't read this if you're tired of hearing about Twitter. But I still mourn the loss of that platform and what it's turned into. And what's the use of a blog if not to vent, sometimes?
Also, it's not really lost on me that any community whose most visible and popular representation on social media is white people is going to suck at fostering community on social media. Eventually, we'll destroy everything even for ourselves.
@hbuchel STRONG same... Thanks for writing this
@hbuchel This is excellent, Heather. Thank you for sharing it
@hbuchel (I also feel like I’m still grieving the loss of Twitter, it really sucks)
@beep Thanks Ethan, that means a lot. Also happy to see that a lot of us found a new place (or places) to continue the conversation. It wasn't the platform holding us all together!
@hbuchel Agreed all around!
@hbuchel great article
I just can’t with Twitter anymore. So much bad faith discussions happening over there.
@macdonst It honestly just looks like engagement boosting for all of the wrong people.
@hbuchel I know some folks have built businesses on their feed over on the bird site but I’ve lost a lot of respect for folks who are otherwise good people by then continuing to monetize their followers.
I’d love for at least one of them to make the tough decision to move to another platform.
@macdonst Yeah. I won't fault anyone for sticking it out there, I guess, to an extent. The exception being those that just pretend this isn't an issue; maybe I'm being generous with that. But there are plenty of folks I think "yeah, this is who I think of when I think of actually community in the JS world" and they at least have a strong presence here, if it's not their only platform.
@hbuchel @macdonst for me I struggle to replace the habit. I don't monetize anything, it feels like there's a big split between mastodon and twitter people I engage with (probably about 25/75 split with twitter having more people) and some people who just went "poof".
I also follow a variety of people on Twitter not on mastodon
I know it's a problem. I genuinely don't know how to replace it in my life. I enjoy posting things im working on over there, but it's honestly hell these days.
@konnorrogers @macdonst Well, Mastodon definitely doesn't check all of the boxes so I get why not everyone made the jump ALL the way here. I also would be naive to say these things ONLY happen on Twitter when it's not specific to *a* platform, it's just particularly really bad there.
It's not an easy or black and white thing to just shut off using a platform like that and I think it's ok to NOT do that! Like I mentioned in the post, I still check in on people there from time to time.
@konnorrogers @macdonst There are a lot of people in the accessibility community that still post there. I don't think that's wrong and my opinion or judgement on it doesn't really matter, I just genuinely worry about them. It doesn't feel safe.
now, there are some people, the ones that this post probably makes them feel a certain way like feel mad or attacked, that I definitely do side-eye their involvement. Like, they are enabling really bad behavior with their use of the platform.
@hbuchel thanks for another excellent post!
@hdv hey thank you! And thanks for all of your excellent work, I learn so much from your work that you share :)
@hbuchel Yeah, only venting on Twitter these day is the verbal dihorea .
@hbuchel Thanks for posting this. Not having a Twitter account anymore, I did not know, and while I understand why you'd not want to link to that crap, I do wonder, how does one without a Twitter account see how bad it got? Are there ways to see those threads?
@hbuchel Nice post! “You are the company you keep” and if your company is toxic and ableist…well