I just watched Reality Bites the whole way through for the first time (it’s still not 30 years old), and I have feelings…
Feeling 1: I actually have to accept that I’m a millennial. As much as it pains me to admit it.
Feeling 2: very much related: what happened to the Generation Y? That was what I was when I was growing up, but it kind of disappeared. Which is the why of feeling 1.
Feeling 3: Reality Bites and other films in the same genre defined Generation X, more or less by themselves. I do feel that there hasn’t been much successful art by Millennials which has participated in the definition of their own (our own?) generation.
Feeling 3 cont.: instead we’ve had 20+ years of superhero movies, and nobody has managed to distill the feelings of our generation (you can tell that I’m coming to terms with feeling 1 as this thread progresses) into 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Feeling 4: the second global financial crisis since I’ve been working (or are we up to 3 now?) also throws a bit of the desperation of Gen X into the mix of what Millennials have dealt with so far.
Having met two ex school friends (of my partner) working in retail in the last 2 weeks has driven that home a bit.
Feeling 5: a few minutes later and I feel that I have to admit that Reality Bites was my second choice this evening. If it had been available to rent I would have watched Matrix Resurrections which I still haven’t seen. You may interpret that as you wish.