I gave a talk this week and it went really well and the main thing I want to share with you from it is that I referred to an int as “just 64 booleans in a trench coat” and I’m proud of that one.
(The actual main thing I want to share with you from the talk is this slide)
*golf clap*
@inthehands kinda remarkable that trenchcoats are generally free in computing
Only free when you have statically typed structs. In OO, the trench coat will cost you a malloc and a vtable pointer and god knows what.
@inthehands @NeoNacho a cache miss is when you left your cache in the pocket of your other trenchcoat
@inthehands @NeoNacho rust: fearless concurrency and zero cost trenchcoats
@inthehands tagged pointer something …
@inthehands @Catfish_Man “what order are they in?”
“depends whether they’re going by Lenny or Benny”
@jrose @Catfish_Man
“A Lennyian int architecture”
@inthehands that's a bit wise.
uh…thanks [shifts uncomfortably]
@inthehands I'm just overflowing with compliments.
Although it took me a bit to register that one.
I’d make another pun, but you know what they say: two’s a complement, three’s a crowd
@inthehands @hugo
Those integers really complement your twos!
#TwosComplement #TwosCompliment
@inthehands @hugo look at you two carrying on
@inthehands oh that’s lovely!
@inthehands and of course a boolean is just a lousy two-bit integer.
@tastapod Heh. One-bit, technically, now trying to figure out how to work “two bit” into a pun…
@inthehands d’oh of course, that’s annoying!
A pair of booleans walk into a two-bit saloon…
@inthehands I’mma steal that :D
@inthehands were you looking over my shoulder tonight? I literally wrote a little `FixedWidthInteger.bits: [Bool]` after dinner to make some binary shenanigans a bit more readable
@inthehands old age is when you read this and feel vaguely unnerved by the choice of 64 booleans instead of the proper and traditional 8.
@inthehands Recon that depends on where you are, pal. In my day they only had 32 booleans in there; hell, down some more primitive parts they’d just put in 16 or even 8, though we’ve done come a bit farther now.
We heard some tales of locales where they’d have more but us, we had to accomplish that sort of thing in shifts.
Back in my day, we only had sport coats for stacking booleans
@inthehands or a few flip flops.
@inthehands Oh wow, I love this...
@inthehands Sadly, being curious and tinkering sounds like a zero interest rate phenomenon :(
@benpickering The whole point of the talk was in fact that it pays enormous dividends
@lilith Ha! That’s definitely me. Who’s the friend?
@inthehands Chip Johnson!
@lilith I almost guessed Chip! Tell him hi!
@lily About the talk, the bits, or the trench coat?