This. What @NZedAUS said.
It’s important to recognize — and please take a moment to let this sink in — that if the hostages all return home and the war ends, that is a •disaster• for Netanyahu.
The hostages and the war are the only thing keeping him afloat right now. Without them, he’s sunk. His back is to the wall. He •needs• this ongoing disaster to survive. And he’s willing to sacrifice anyone and anything — except himself — to prolong it.
This is why — and I’m going to catch some hate in the replies for this, but so be it — this is why it really rankles me when people feel the need to center •US• politicians in every single damned post about Netanyahu’s ongoing campaign of genocide.
Yes, yes, the Biden admin have up to this point grossly underutilized what leverage they have. I just think you all grossly overestimate how much leverage that really is.
@inthehands I think you might have meant to say "overestimate"?
@dave_andersen ach, yes, thx