Can someone Photoshop my husband out of this photo? We’re not in a fight or anything, but I think it would be more professional if it were just me in my LinkedIn profile pic.
Tried to amp up the spy photo vibe
Ooh. This has got some senior portrait vibes going on!
@Alice @nlarson830
Do you even have a LInkedIn profile, Alice? I'm sure you'd like to remain anonymous, but just putting out there that I'd love to see it if you do. And I hope you do use this photo.
I kind of want to develop a group whose main goal is to bring down LinkedIn.
@Alice @LoganFive @nlarson830
Years ago, I used to get all sorts of annoying LinkedIn recruiter spam until I changed my job title to “Grandmaster Space Poobah of Doom.” That quieted things up real quick.
LinkedIn has been pestering me for years to 'connect' with a previous boss. Now they've added another previous boss.
I despise them both. Assholes.
@nlarson830 Nick! You’re alive! I haven’t seen you in ages. How are you?
@inthehands @Alice @LoganFive @nlarson830 I haven't updated my LinkedIn since I got RIF'd in October, and I'm still getting *sales* nudges.
Like, really. Who is it you think you're trying to sell to?