I'm cutting this out of my diet, or have already cut it out:
- Meat products
- Dairy products
- Products with oats in them
- Un-pureed corn (corn on the cob, frozen corn, etc.), and maybe corn in general
- Wheat based cereals
- Fish, because vegan HOWEVER I have some thoughts I want to share about this with relation to digestion, as I effectively had to eat #pescatarian while in Japan... it was difficult.
Sure there's others but the above seem to cause me more trouble than worth; and or vegan
@jasonnab what exactly do you want to discuss?
@Seitansbraten sorry I am confused, I don't have anything to discuss with you directly? If you mean my comment on pescatarianism, that's a separate thought/post. I erroneously tagged vegan as well.
@jasonnab I just don't understand your post. And there is at least one person here living in Japan who lives vegan, so it's obviously possible to do so.
Maybe you can explain what you intended to say in your first post
@Seitansbraten I do not understand your post either; my original post was not directed at you.
Tourism != Living in the country. I did not have access to a kitchen in most places I visited and stayed.
In Japan, it was often difficult to find non-fish based options, and sometimes even non-meat options; at convenience stores, restos, etc. Especially when you are out of major metropolitan cities. The idea of veganism and vegetarianism is not heavily in the mainstream in JP, like in the EU and NA
@jasonnab well, as long as you post to all you have to deal with the fact that 'all' feel addressed & answer may answer you. And if you use # some may feel more to respond, just as I did.
So if you just 'think out loud' & don't wish to communicate, you maybe should add that in your post or post just for followers.
But either way, I'm out & won't bother you again. That's what muting is for.
Have a good time & #goVegan (or stay vegan)