I think I've finished literally copying & pasting 300 pages of my #Squarespace blog to my staging site, and I'm ready to transfer my domain over to Wordpress.
Pardon me while I collapse in a corner.
You poor thing!
@arichtman Will never ever use Squarespace again, that's for sure lol
What's up with square space? Overpriced? Shady? Broken?
@arichtman Super proprietary so their XML export file is literally gibberish when transferred to Wordpress.
Ok, not gibberish but requires massive amounts of clean up. Might as well just copy & paste - it's faster!
Ugh sorry, thats lousy. I hate when companies eschew standards and interoperability to try and lock you in :/
Such a loser move
@arichtman That's what they do. I mean, what better way to keep you than make it super hard to move, amirite
Thats why I glued my partner's shoes to the floor
@arichtman This is a very practical solution