Meteor, Butterfly, Sword deserves so much more than 7.5 rating it has on MDL. It is easily an 8.5 show, better than the modern cdramas rated that high that is being produced these days. The storytelling is
Shows with high popularity and are easily accessible by international audiences ala Netflix gets rated super highly.
A lot of times shows that are not easily available internationally or are older (created before MDL for eg) gets ignored and that's a pity.
Have not heard of this. Adding this to my watch list.
I think my daughter is old enough I am going to start watching some old classics with her like the 1980s and 90s TVB versions of Jin Yong novels.
The classics were just awesome in so many ways. the best adaptations! (No bias!)
I have to agree. I tried the 2014 adaptation of 神鵰俠呂(I can't recall the English title, but it's the one with little dragon girl and the really annoying Yang Guo).
I called it quits after the brothel scene. It got so ridiculous. I feel like the 80s and 90s era ones really understood what JY was trying to get across compared to some of the later, higher tech/budget remakes.
@chu @geraineon ikr I always lament that modern cdrama audiences, especially international folks, just don't know what they are missing. Seeing shows that have bad acting and storytelling raised to unholy levels makes my blood boil a little the problem is, a lot of these older shows are inaccessible to international folks because they are hard to find, and if you can find them, in Cantonese with no English subs...
Most of this is on Youtube now I think. I don't know if they are subbed or not though. I'm a canto speaker so I don't usually look for subs in Canto. ICdrama has a lot too.
People in HK revere JY as a minor deity so they put a lot of effort into portraying his novels. I have no problem with Cantonese either. But that's why it's hard to recommend these adaptations to ppl who don't understand Cantonese and cannot read CN subs. Ah well.
@geraineon @chu I remember trying to watch Pledge of Allegiance badly but ah man, pure Cantonese Chinese subs... Fortunately it's now available on Youtube with eng subs. Woohoo.
Is it any good? I thought that was a mainland production
@chu @geraineon I couldn't watch as it was in Cantonese with no subs then, so I can't say if its good. But the premise was Intriguing - a corrupt security official loses his memory and turbs over a new leaf as he finds out more about his old self.
I take it you're not talking about this. What show are you referring to?
Can you share link?
@chu @geraineon oops crosswire! I mean Relic of an Emissary. My brain does this sometimes
I just watched the first of the clips and this brought back so many struggles I had with learning to read.
In Cantonese, we essentially have no written language. We use Mandarin so the subs often have nothing to do with the words spoken.
Nobody ever bothered to tell me this and I spent years trying to figure out why I couldn't match the written to the spoken words.
They simply don't match!
@chu @geraineon Yeah Hokkien might as well be a different language. Don't have written langugage and worse,e the Mandarin words don't match. I mean, have you heard Hokkien? It's absolutely weird lol
I like to think of them all as different languages.
What's the difference between a language and a dialect?
Languages have armies.
If you have a border to defend, your own currency, a head of state, you can call what you speak a language. If you got taken over, you're a dialect. Why is Catalan a dialect of Spanish and not it's own language?
If you drop a swede into Finland, I'm told they can understand each other just fine. You drop a Hong Konger into Beijing, no way (though now everyone has to learn Mando but 20 years ago less so).
If China wasn't conquered the way it was, for sure each of these would be rightfully considered their own languages.
But alas QSH conquered everyone and unified the written language and burned everything else. So we can communicate on paper but not face to face.
@chu @geraineon apparently my ancestors left China when they lost the war with the Manchus. So we speak a rather old form of Hokkien - Zhang Zhou variant, I believe. My ancestors supposedly left around the 1600s.
Wow. I hope you are able to record some of this and share with the world. There's a girl on YouTube who makes Toishan videos and I feel like we are instantly related.
We speak mostly standard HK Canto here but I grew up speaking Toishan. I should actually find more TS people to speak with so my kids can learn some.