BREAKING: Apartheid tool has thoughts on how voting ought to work.
@ct_bergstrom A very American POV, this. In my country IDs are required because unscrupulous parties will send ghost/fake votes or people will vote multiple times to bump up a certain politician. In some countries it is VERY necessary and needed.
Ps: no more @ please
@liztai, voting works differently across across U.S. states. Elon's description is not accurate. @ct_bergstrom
@liztai, in my state, we can vote by mail. However, there a signatures on file and the signature on the ballot must match. If they don't, you can submit another signature. If that one doesn't match, you must go into the voting office with picture id. I know this is the case. My signature varies and I have had to verify it. Finally, Elon Musk is from South Africa. He is not well versed in U.S. voting. @ct_bergstrom