I am going to regret asking this I am sure, but what in the world is happening in #Britain?
I feel like labelling it far-right protests seem simplistic
Ps: I just want to add lest I am misunderstood, that I think migrants are being an easy target for the frustration bubbling in Britain. Just exactly what that frustration is I am not very clear ...
@liztai Areas of long-lasting poverty, de-industrialisation and loss of social cohesion, with years of being fed racist rhetoric by traditional media, and easily exploited by actual far right organizers blaming collapse of NHS, housing shortages etc on immigrants. Having said that, social groups involved look similar to those following NF/BNP in 1980s. It is absolutely not universal
@marinheiro what you said seems to be the impression I am getting, but I could be wrong I guess
@liztai To be fair to them, they haven't been in power very long. But Starmer's instincts seem very hard-line 'law and order' generally, and it may be their response is pure repression, in which case this is going to bubble up again and again. Especially if they continue the 'illegal migrants' rhetoric.
@marinheiro I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but they need to use the change management strategies China used to alleviate poverty - get someone from the community to be a liason between the govt and the community. The liason will know how life is really like help the govt align aid and policies to really benefit the ground.
One can dream I suppose.
@liztai That depends on having a government which wants to improve things; the previous government had a policy of deliberately aggravating the situation to gain votes. I think the new government knows what to do but is determined not to spend any money, so will not do it.