How long have I been watching #Cdramas ? Since the 1980s.
How long have I been watching #Kdramas ? Since the early 2000s.
That's a LOT of dramas watched. If you have been watching for a long time you tend to get fussier and pickier, and your taste is definitely different from newcomers'
How about you?
@liztai I started with Hong Kong movies in the 1990s (A Chinese Ghoststory was my first love), then Korean movies in the 2000s (Bin Jip, Old Boy), but Cdramas have been a new addition since last year. So I'm still a baby novice, but I have some knowledge about the different narrative style from my studies. ^^
@Katztronaut woohoo the classic Leslie Cheung movie can't be beat! Glad to have you here in cdramaland!
@liztai Aww thank you so much!