How long have I been watching #Cdramas ? Since the 1980s.
How long have I been watching #Kdramas ? Since the early 2000s.
That's a LOT of dramas watched. If you have been watching for a long time you tend to get fussier and pickier, and your taste is definitely different from newcomers'
How about you?
@liztai I'm a recent convert, 2024. I can only access what's on Netflix or Australia's SBS tv streaming, but there's a lot there. Watching my first Korean one right now. I also like programs from Turkiye, Spain and Italy. Slow pace is a plus, matches my current state of mind
@CaraBruar @liztai Netflix AU has a good selection, it took me a solid 3 years before I felt like I had to look elsewhere for more dramas (around 60 dramas after)
@sirsean woooow you went through the whole catalogue?? Dedication! @CaraBruar
@liztai @CaraBruar Unfortunately not all, just a solid half, maybe most at best
@sirsean better than me anyway lol @CaraBruar