Reasons why I don't talk about politics on social media:
a) you don't need to read my dumb thoughts about politics
b) I don't want to read your replies to my dumb thoughts about politics either
Most importantly
c) Cdrama actors are way more fun to talk about
Ps I get to see the gorgeous Liu Xueyi on TV soon. My brain only has space to process this anyway
@liztai Ooooh, nice poster art.
@liztai b) I don't want to read your dumb replies to my dumb thoughts about politics either
@liztai Agree that we don’t need politics to enjoy Cdramas Sad that politics sometimes intrude anyway…
@AnnaAnthro can't wait because honestly I have been waiting for so long lol. There are even rumours that his other xianxia is coming out. - Love Never Fails. I feel like that one is fake news but omg I so wanna believe it's true lol
@liztai The utter whimsical opacity of cdrama launch timing could mean we have two series of his drop the same week!!!! Yay!!!