So the Black man that everyone was laughing at for dialing in to his court case from his car, while his license was suspended, is not so foolish. Racism has people laughing at its victims.
We'll see how many of the people that were laughing because they thought "Foolish criminal dials in from car, on suspended license case!" have anything cute to say now. You know that none of them will.
It's just the regular anti-Black cruelty in the US criminal justice system.
@mekkaokereke I abhor racism but...was the judge not also black?
Really though, both are human beings. Skin colour has no relevance.
*Sigh*. It's 2024. I'm not engaging with people whose understanding of racism is still so simplistic, that they don't get that Black folk can contribute to systemic racism. I'm also not dealing with the "I don't see color!" nonsense.
My Mastodon mentions are not a good place to learn "systemic racism 101." Because I'm not gentle or patient here.
There are Black folk living in Scotland. I used to be one of them. Learn from them.
Respectfully. Be well and have a nice day!
@mekkaokereke aye ok.
Enjoy your night big guy.