anyway, i'm glad i didn't put effort into a few of the projects i was thinking about.
i was going to make a tool to do a better job of threading on both twitter and mastodon, but now i'm glad i never got around to it. same with a spambot filtering tool i was considering.
otoh, i can still put effort towards making those tools solely for mastodon if i do find the time
well, really just the thread tool. mastodon doesn't have the cryptospam problem to the degree that twitter does to necessitate a filter tool
@molly0xfff I mean, a way to thread people's replies on Mastodon would be really useful. I'd love to see it. As some people here gets a ridiculous number of replies, it gets hard to follow who replies to whom.
@molly0xfff Same here. No point in building another cross poster for a dying Twitter, so I’m ditching my Twitter API work. But keep making that crypto spam filter.
Remember when Windows PCs got viruses, but Macs didn’t? ActivityPub doesn’t have a spam problem “yet” - but we’ll eventually face all the same threats (and more) that corporate sites do.
@molly0xfff maybe a cryptospam bot for mastodon could fund development for the other projects?
@molly0xfff You might still get your chance, particularly if the fediverse becomes more and more popular. Particular if spam bots become rampant. Not saying that it will happen, but it could.
@katmmoss @molly0xfff
The Fediverse is crying out for "Fiddleware" - Federated Middleware services - to do shared filtering as user agents. Some hints here, and in the Delegation series it links to, more to come. Smart automation that serves users by augmenting human intelligence.